

北海近代建筑現(xiàn)存17個(gè)點(diǎn)共25座,大多保存完好,它們是近代英、法、德等西方列強(qiáng)掠奪我國(guó)市場(chǎng)和資源的物證,是研究我國(guó)近代史、經(jīng)濟(jì)史、建筑史、海關(guān)史和對(duì)外貿(mào)易史等方面的重要史跡?!胺街?a href='/beihai/' target=_blank>北海”推出“北海近代建筑”系列,為您講述北海近代建筑背后的故事。Beihai currently has 25 existing modern buildings in 17 architecture sites.Pretty well preserved, the modern architecture now serves as the self-evident proof of the once imperialism invasion and pillage and as the right historical site for studying Chinese modern history, economy, architecture, customs and foreign trade.In recent issues, we will introduce these modern buildings and reveal the stories behind them. Please stay tuned.

北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址 摘自《漢代遺韻——北海文物精粹》

Former site of the British Consulate in Beihai [Photo /Spellbinding Cultural Heritage of Beihai in Han Dynasty]

一說(shuō)到北海的近代建筑,北海人第一個(gè)能想到的就是英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館了。The British Consulate must be the first one coming to our mind if you mention the modern architecture in Beihai.

清光緒二年(1876年),中英《煙臺(tái)條約》簽訂后,北海辟為對(duì)外通商口岸,英國(guó)、法國(guó)、德國(guó)、意大利、奧匈帝國(guó)、比利時(shí)、美國(guó)葡萄牙等國(guó)先后進(jìn)入北海設(shè)立領(lǐng)事館或委托他國(guó)領(lǐng)事代辦領(lǐng)事業(yè)務(wù)。In 1876, Beihai was opened up as a treaty port in the Sino-British Yantai Treaty. As a result, eight Western nations (theUK,France,Germany,Italy,Austria-Hungary,Belgium, theUSandPortugal) successively set up their consulates in Beihai or designated other consuls with authority to act on their behalf to deal with consular affairs.

北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址 摘自《北海圖錄》

Former site of the British Consulate in Beihai [Photo / Beihai Catalog]

英國(guó)于清光緒三年(1877年)在北海租用民房設(shè)立領(lǐng)事館,負(fù)責(zé)北海、???/a>通商事務(wù)并兼代理奧匈帝國(guó)、美國(guó)領(lǐng)事業(yè)務(wù),這是外國(guó)在北海乃至廣西設(shè)立的最早的領(lǐng)事館。光緒十一年(1885年)建成英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館辦公樓,長(zhǎng)27.29米,寬12.14米,占地面積300多平米,為二層券廊式西洋建筑。館址在當(dāng)時(shí)市區(qū)南郊,今市一中校園內(nèi)。民國(guó)11年(1922年)英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館裁撤后,辦公樓被轉(zhuǎn)賣。In 1877, the British rent a private house to set up their consulate in Beihai, in charge of business affairs for Beihai and Haikou and acting as an agent for theAustria-Hungaryand theUSto handle their consular affairs. The British Consulate was the earliest consulate set up in Beihai, even in Guangxi. The office building of the British Consulate was built in 1885 which was a typical two-storied western building with an arcade, located at the south suburb of Beihai (now in Beihai No.1 Middle School). It stretched 27.29m long and 12.14m wide and covered an area of more than 300㎡. After the British Consulate was abolished in 1922, the office building was sold out.

1994年廣西壯族自治區(qū)人民政府將英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址劃為自治區(qū)級(jí)文物保護(hù)單位。2001年6月,國(guó)務(wù)院將包括北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址在內(nèi)的北海市近現(xiàn)代西式建筑群列為全國(guó)重點(diǎn)文物保護(hù)單位。In 1994, the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region designated the former site of the British Consulate as one of the Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the Autonomous Region Level. In June 2001, the State Council listed the modern western architectural complex in Beihai, including the former site of the British Consulate, among the Major Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the National Level.

北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址 摘自《北海市申報(bào)國(guó)家歷史文化名城文本》

Former site of the British Consulate in Beihai [Photo / Document of Beihai Municipality’s Application for National Famous Historical and Cultural City]

北海人對(duì)英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館如此記憶深刻,除了因?yàn)樗亲钤缭诒焙TO(shè)立的外國(guó)領(lǐng)事館之外,還因?yàn)樗?999年整體平移的光輝事跡。As the earliest consulate set up in Beihai, the British Consulate was memorable to Beihai people also because of its impressive achievement in 1999: building monolithic moving.

1999年,因北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址位于規(guī)劃貫通的解放南路(今北京路)的中央,北海市考慮到工程需要,本著最大限度保護(hù)文物與合理實(shí)施城市建設(shè)兼顧的原則,并經(jīng)國(guó)家文物局、自治區(qū)文化廳同意,決定整體平移英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址。In 1999, the former site of the British Consulate was then in the middle of Jiefang South Road (now Beijing Road) which was planned to improve to a main thoroughfare. Approved by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Culture Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the British Consulate was decided to implement monolithic moving to meet the requirement of project, taking into consideration both the maximum protection of relics and the reasonable implementation of urban construction plans.

1999年10月,英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址整體平移現(xiàn)場(chǎng) 摘自《北海圖錄》

The scene of monolithic moving of the British Consulate in October 1999 [Photo / Beihai Catalog]

1999年10月1日下午4時(shí)開(kāi)始,至10月3日下午3時(shí)25分,在北海市民的見(jiàn)證下,成功將重約1700噸的英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址往東北方向成功整體平移了55.8米,斜向50度,平移偏差1.5厘米。From 4:00 p.m., October 1, to 3:25 p.m., October 3, 1999, the building of the British Consulate weighing approximately 1,700 tons was successfully moved northeast from its former site with a horizontal distance of 55.8m, a deviation of 1.5cm and a oblique angle of 50°, witnessed by Beihai people.

1999年10月,英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址整體平移現(xiàn)場(chǎng) 圖片來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò)

The scene of monolithic moving of the British Consulate in October 1999 [Photo / The Internet]

這是北海建筑史上難度最大的一次搬遷工程,同時(shí)也是廣西首例建筑平移工程,更是全國(guó)首例建筑物斜向平移工程。如此壯舉,在北海人的記憶中留下了難忘一筆。It was not only the most demanding relocation project in the architectural history of Beihai, and the first monolithic moving of building in Guangxi, but also the first oblique moving project inChina, leaving a deep impression on Beihai people.

而今,北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址又被賦予了新的使命,于2016年5月改建成為北海近代外國(guó)領(lǐng)事機(jī)構(gòu)歷史陳列館,她不甘只作為一名北海近代歷史的親歷者,她更要做北海近代歷史的記錄者。In May 2016, the British Consulate was rebuilt as Beihai Historical Museum of Foreign Consular Institutions in Modern Times, with a new mission to record the modern history of Beihai, no longer just a witness.

2016年5月1日,北海近代外國(guó)領(lǐng)事機(jī)構(gòu)歷史陳列館正式對(duì)外開(kāi)放 市文物局供

On May 1, 2016, Beihai Historical Museum of Foreign Consular Institutions in Modern Times was officially opened to the public. [Photo / Beihai Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage]

改造為北海近代外國(guó)領(lǐng)事機(jī)構(gòu)歷史陳列館的北海英國(guó)領(lǐng)事館舊址 北海市志辦供

Beihai Historical Museum of Foreign Consular Institutions in Modern Times (former site of the British Consulate in Beihai) [Photo / Beihai Local Chronicles Compilation Committee Office]


3-21 特稿




北海市地方志辦公室出品 | 轉(zhuǎn)載須注明

綜合編輯:覃宏愿/ 梓安/新婷




Published: Beihai Local ChroniclesCompilation Committee Office (BLCCCO)

Editor: Qin Hongyuan / Zi An

Translator & proofreader: Liang Jiayu/Xu Yuping

Reviewer: Yang Yu

Chief Editor: Feng Xinguang






1. Local Chronicles of Beihai Municipality, Beihai Local Chronicles Compilation Committee Office edited;

2. Beihai Yearbook 2000, Beihai Local Chronicles Compilation Committee Office edited;

3. Document of Beihai Municipality’s Application for National Famous Historical and Cultural City, Beihai Municipal People’s Government edited.


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