

導讀:浪漫旅游景點英語「有趣的旅游景點英文」 墨爾本特色旅游點!! 名稱英文, 內容可中文 國外旅游景點排行有哪些? 用英語介紹意大利風景名勝 加拿大的著名景點(英文) 巴黎各個景點的英語要怎么說? 威尼斯景點用英語介紹,每個景點一兩句就夠了,急用,在線等,高分懸賞!速度??!

墨爾本特色旅游點!! 名稱英文, 內容可中文

1. 圣保羅大教堂2. 菲茲羅花園3. 皇家植物園4. 疏芬山金礦5. 圣基爾達




它位于意大利最著名的城市威尼斯,是世界上最浪漫的目的地之一。圣馬克廣場(St. Mark's Square)位于市中心,周圍環(huán)繞著著名的大教堂。威尼斯是一個美麗的浮動城市。它建在最不可能建造城市的地方。









世界上第一家七星級酒店帆船酒店)、世界上最高的摩天大樓(Burj Khalifa)、世界上最大的購物中心、世界上最大的室內滑雪場等設施都在迪拜,2020年世博也將在這里舉行。


普吉島屬于泰國普吉島的管轄范圍,面積543平方公里。它是泰國最大的島嶼,也是泰國最小的島嶼。 2014年,島民總數超過60萬人。

吉島被稱為安達曼海"的寶石,擁有迷人的熱帶風光和豐富的旅游資源。它擁有豐富的自然資源,并擁有" Treasure Island"的美譽。主要礦物是錫,還富含橡膠、海鮮和各種水果。島上的工業(yè)和商業(yè)、旅游業(yè)更加發(fā)達。首都普吉鎮(zhèn)位于島嶼的東南部,是一個大型港口和商業(yè)中心。



科洛塞競技場(Piazza del Colosseo)




圣馬可廣場,(Piazza del san.marco)被譽為最浪漫的廣場,鴿子是這里最大的特色




圣馬可大教堂兩旁的新舊行政? ?邸,一樓現在大多用做咖啡館;最著名的是弗洛里安咖啡館,據說海明威、拜倫經常在這里流連;當然,這里的咖啡也是全意大利最昂貴的~~

貢多拉,相傳以前的船夫都是又年輕又帥氣的小伙子,邊劃船還邊唱著情歌;現在當然不是了~~ 另外,貢多拉是威尼斯最貴的交通工具,除非你的錢多的可以拿來燒,否則,象征式地坐坐就可以了……

Italy famous scenic spots

Ke Luose Arena (Piazza del Colosseo)

Ke Luose Arena (also translated the Roman Colosseum) Roman times is the greatest one of the building, but also to preserve the best of an amphitheater. Venice is located in the south-east of the square. Colosseum is one of the world's eight major attractions, but also a symbol of the Roman Empire. The huge open-air theater called Flavio Theater, as it is by Flavio's family, several of the construction of the emperor. In general, Keluo Se known. Colosseum look like a huge bunker, covers an area of 20,000 square meters, 527 meters perimeter wall with a diameter of 188 meters, 57 meters high wall, which is equivalent to a 19-story modern building height, site could be 107,000 spectators. Like all Roman architecture, the basic structure of the arch structure, a series of humps, coupons and appropriate arrangements for the oval-shaped building components so that the whole building is extremely strong. This is the time to use animal fighting, the British sports, horse racing, theater and cabaret venue. The majestic architecture of the building can be a model. Construction is in a concave on the floor of the magnificent building. Nero era, this is Nero Au Kam-din in the garden of a man-made lake.

Venice (Venezia)

Not only unique gently in the world, there is no lack of history of the Mediterranean's most elegant landscape, the East-West bridge. This was built in the 5th century the world-famous city is located in the north-east Italy, about 4 km from the mainland, the lake is located in Venice, about 118 large and small islands. More than 150 articles and canals criss-crossing 400 bridges, 118 of this island into a city as a whole. Venice looks unique and unparalleled wealth of art treasures, making it the world's most attractive tourist cities. Venice can not be separated from the United States and the green green water and rickety boats, but can not be separated from the magnificent classical buildings. Piazza San Marco to look around the stands, vertical and horizontal streets here into the embodiment of the winding canals; ordinary city streets and unhindered access of vehicles into the boat here. Here's one for every small waterways, streets, small churches and small square is the scenery, but also a record Shuicheng splendid culture and history.

Piazza San Marco, (Piazza del san.marco) as the most romantic squares, pigeons here is the greatest feature

Bridge of Sighs, Bridge of Sighs connecting the two buildings are the courts and prisons; In general, people enter the prison will not go out alive, and the Bridge of Sighs became the last of their only place to see the sun, After prisoners here will be sent to Buzi Jin A Sigh, with the passage of time, the sigh sigh on a "Bridge of Sighs" ... ...

Governor's Palace of the Republic of Venice during the highest organ of state power; pink marble wall, a row of sharp-arch and identified four flower-round window, typical of the Gothic style.

St. Mark's Cathedral, a strong Byzantine style, traditionally used to worship is the author of the Gospel of St. Mark's Church; San Marco, the patron saint of Venice, however, the marker is a lion, the lion of Venice is also a marker.

St. Mark's Cathedral on both sides of the old and new Executive Mansion, on the first floor is now mostly used as a coffee shop; the most famous is the Floria n Cafe, is said to Hemingway, Byron often hang around here; of course, the coffee here is the whole Italy Expensive ~ ~

Gondola, the boatmen Legend has it that before they were young and handsome young man, boating while also singing love songs; now, of course, is not a ~ ~ In addition, Venice gondola is the most expensive means of transport, unless your money The burning can be used, or a token will be able to sit up ... ...


Famous tourist attractions in Canada.

讀法 英 [?t??r?st; ?t??r?st]? 美 [?t?r?st]

n. 旅行者,觀光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行參觀

vi. 旅游;觀光


The Tourist 機密邂逅 ; 致命伴旅 ; 致命伴侶 ; 游客

tourist attraction 旅游勝地 ; 旅游景點 ; 旅游景區(qū)

Tourist Guide [經] 導游 ; 向導 ; 帶領游覽 ; 旅游指南

Tourist Trophy 摩托浪漫旅 ; 旅行者大獎賽 ; 源自英文 ; 旅游杯賽

tourist visa 旅游簽證 ; 旅行簽證 ; 游歷簽證






1、巴士底獄廣場:Place de la Bastille

2、雨果故居:Maison de Victor Hugo

3、孚日廣場:Place Des Vosges

4、蓬皮杜:Centre Georges Pompidou

5、圣心堂:Basilique du Sacre Coeur


7、愛墻:Mural of Je T'aime

8、紅磨坊:Boulevard de Clichy


10、老佛爺:Galeries Lafayette Haussmann

11、凡爾賽:Chateau de Versailles

12、巴黎圣母院:Notre Dame?de paris

13、盧浮宮:Musee Du Louvre

14、藝術橋:Pont des Arts

15、杜樂麗花園:Jardin des Tuileries

16、協(xié)和廣場:Place de la Concorde

17、香榭麗舍大街:Avenue des Champs- lysées?

18、凱旋門:Arc de triomphe de l' toile

19、埃菲爾鐵塔:Tour Eiffel



1、埃菲爾鐵塔:埃菲爾鐵塔建于1889年,為了紀念法國大革命100周年。站在三樓,可以看到戰(zhàn)神廣場(le Champ de Mars)、 夏約宮(le Palais de Chaillot)、香榭麗舍大街(les Champs-Elysées)、凱旋門(l'Arc de triomphe)。



4、巴黎圣母院是一座哥特式風格的教堂,教堂最古老的雕像(1165—1175)則位于右邊拱門,描述的是圣安娜的故事,以及大主教許里(Bishop Sully)為路易七世受洗的情形。左邊是圣母門,描繪圣母受難復活、被圣者和天使圍繞的情形。


Venice, built AD 452. Eighteenth-century trading center for the Adriatic Sea. The tenth century the Republic had established cities, the Middle Ages the Mediterranean's most prosperous trading centers. The new air route opened, due to European business centers decline gradually moved to the Atlantic coast. Incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy in 1866. Industry and commerce developed, there are aluminum, chemicals, coke, fertilizer, oil refining, iron and steel industries. The production of jade jewelry crafts, glassware, flower leather goods, lace, embroidery waiting for that. On land Marghella Hong Kong is an important oil port and passenger port. Well-known tourist center, there were 3 million tourists. St. Mark's Square is the ancient city center, around the square stands the Cathedral, the Clock Tower and other Byzantine and Renaissance buildings. 2 kilometers offshore of the linear sand - is Europe's most famous Lido Beach.

Venice is a beautiful water city and its architecture to build the city in the most unlikely place - the water, Venice is always guided by the style of "water", winding Water Alley, the flow of Shiba, she is like a floating in the ocean waves on the romantic dream, lingering a long time poetic. The city, there was once Europe-wide hold the most powerful of human, material and power. According to legend, the history of Venice began in AD 453; time Venice local farmers and fishermen in order to avoid cool addicted sword of the nomads, in turn avoiding to this island in the Adriatic Sea. Venice looks like a dolphin, urban area of less than 7.8 square kilometers, but by the 118 islands, 177 canals, like cobweb clouds In the meantime, these small islands and canals from about 401 then connected to a wide variety of bridges decorated. Long Beach, the city rely on a peninsula connected with the Italian mainland.

Piazza San Marco Venice, where building up the water way is to first on the soil under the water lay a large wooden blocks, wooden blocks or a side by side, which is the foundation, lay a solid foundation, and covered with wood, then build a house, where the are all the house is so built. So, It is said that Venice is a city of stone above, here is the forest. The year for the construction of Venice, northern Italy, chopped finished the whole forest. This house, or worry about underwater rotten wood, and it will not be rotten, and is becoming larger and hard, has become more solid. Prior to the archaeological excavations by Marco Polo ? The house, dug up the wood hard as iron, water oxygen until after Xiu met.

Venice fertile alluvial soil, locally and drawn stones, together with the adjacent interior of wood to do exchanges during the boat; in mud, in water ancestors were built in Venice. This less than 8 square kilometers of city, but was more than 100 of cobweb-like clouds block the canal carved more than 100 islands, the islands scattered between the bridge just by all kinds of connections, had just arrived soon be lost in this "Water City" in. Fortunately, there was S-shaped Grand Canal runs through the city. Along this is known as "the longest street in Venice," the essence of Venice offers a good view without having to worry about getting lost. Along the coast near 200 palaces, mansions and seven churches, mostly built in the 14 to 16 century, thanks to Feng court style, Gothic style, baroque style, Venetian-style, etc., all of the building foundations are submerged in the water to see if water rising up like an art gallery. Ordinary day of the Grand Canal as it did in the streets of a bustling, like all kinds of vessels are plying the shuttle on it, the most chic of course, gondolas.

Venice was destroyed by fire in the rebirth of the Phoenix Opera House again, the great Renaissance and Byzantine architecture, one of the world's most beautiful squares - Piazza San Marco, it was suffocating corridors of the United States, the master Antonioni's best films Some paragraphs in here shooting; Here is a Renaissance town, producing over history, one of the most important school of painting: Venetian school of painting; German musician Richard ? Wagner, passed away here in this city of former ... ... The glory and dreams through the well-preserved architectural abnormalities extended to today, it will give visitors a unique atmosphere, feeling as though by magic, so that those who came to the Venice tourists are obsessed with parting, enjoyable.




威尼斯肥沃的沖積土質,就地而取材的石塊,加上用鄰近內陸的木頭做的小船往來其間;在淤泥中,在水上先祖?zhèn)兘ㄆ鹆送崴?。這個不到8平方公里的城市,卻被一百多條蛛網般密布的運河割成一百多座小島,島與島之間只憑各式橋梁錯落連接,初來乍到很快便會迷失在這座“水城”中。好在有大運河呈S形貫穿整個城市。沿著這條號稱“威尼斯最長的街道”,可以飽覽威尼斯的精華而不用擔心迷路。沿岸的近200棟宮殿、豪宅和七座教堂,多半建于14至16世紀,有拜豐庭風格、哥特風格、巴洛克風格、威尼斯式等等,所 有的建筑地基都淹沒在水中,看起來就像水中升起的一座藝術長廊。平日里大運河真的像一條熙熙攘攘的大街一樣,各式船只往來穿梭其上,最別致的當然還是貢多拉。



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