

導(dǎo)讀:曼徹斯特旅游景點介紹英文(紐約旅游景點英文) 曼徹斯特旅游景點 急需英國曼徹斯特的艾伯特廣場的英文介紹!!謝謝了~~~ 曼徹斯特,最不可錯過的旅游景點有哪些 求英國 曼徹斯特 的英文介紹... 麻煩用英語介紹一下曼徹斯特這座城市! 求曼徹斯特城市介紹






艾伯特廣場(Albert Square)是了紀念維多利亞女王的丈夫艾伯特命名的。廣場位于丁斯蓋特街(Deansgate St.)和莫斯利大街(Mosley St.)之間,是城市的心臟地帶。廣場上最有特色的標志是一座建于維多利亞時代的歌德式建筑。

廣場西面的丁斯蓋特街的約翰·賴蘭德圖書館(John Rylands Library)擁有維多利亞歌德式建筑再往西面走,就是坐落于艾威爾河(River Irwell)旁邊的Pumphouse人民歷史博物館,展覽的主題是社會歷史和工人運動。

廣場南面是圣彼得廣場(St Peter’s Square),旁邊的自由工會會所就是1819年彼得羅屠殺(Peterloo massacre)發(fā)生的地方,現(xiàn)已改建為酒店。再往南是前中央車站,現(xiàn)在成了G-Mex展覽會議中心。旁邊俯視著G-Mex的棱角分明的后現(xiàn)代建筑物就是布里奇沃特音樂大廳(Bridgewater Hall),著名的哈雷管弦樂團的成名地。 來吧紅魔《來吧紅魔》的大合唱隨時都可能在曼城街頭爆發(fā),一個街區(qū)的人都會跟著手舞足蹈。曾擁有貝克漢姆等大牌球星的曼聯(lián)足球隊,成了曼城最為世界所知的標志。乘上輕軌,在老特拉福德(Old Trafford)下車,即可以前往曼聯(lián)足球俱樂部,紅魔迷們可以挑一條紅圍巾。再搭乘巴士,便可到達“夢劇場”——老特拉福德球場(Old Trafford Stadium)。據(jù)說如果事先沒買整個球賽的季票,就休想觀看任何一場曼聯(lián)隊的比賽。到了夏天,這里更是熱鬧得連一場板球賽都看不到了。

北角”最體現(xiàn)曼城民間的文化創(chuàng)造力和獨立精神,不可不去。它在曼城市中心的北部外緣,短短幾條街上,布滿了不計其數(shù)的先鋒演出場所、俱樂部、酒吧、獨立唱片店,還有工藝? ?術(shù)中心、中國藝術(shù)中心,以及大批操辦小型文化生意的辦公室和工作室。兜兜轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn),很可能會撞進一個親密有趣的“藝術(shù)家村”,碰到有版畫工作室的主人出遠門,請隔壁的雕塑家?guī)兔Υ荑€匙賣作品的情狀;或者在一家叫“唱碟交換”的著名的二手唱片店,買到用白紙殼包裝的覓了很久的音樂;或者在一家充滿奇思妙想的設(shè)計小店流連忘返。 據(jù)說1987年前后,曼徹斯特市中心的房地產(chǎn)價格暴漲,而北角有廉價的租房、出租方式靈活,因此做文化生意的小業(yè)主便紛紛進駐,不想雪球越滾越大,成就了曼城現(xiàn)在最有活力的文化景觀。


“角屋”很早就號稱是“曼城的藝術(shù)電影及視覺藝術(shù)的中心”,背后有不少基金組織支持,特點是絕對不俗的品位。在一樓看一場異國的藝術(shù)電影,二樓看當月的精選畫展或參加一個公開的座談會,在酒吧和藝術(shù)愛好者聊聊天,便可以收獲一個令人難忘的晚上了。它是“北角”一分子,更得昔日“狂野之城”的精髓。 跳舞俱樂部和酒館1991年,曼城的市政廳長就說過:“哈仙達崗俱樂部之于曼城,就好像米開郎基羅的《大衛(wèi)》之于佛羅倫薩”??梢娞杈銟凡繉τ谶@個城市的重要性。哈仙達崗(Hacienda)見證了曼城作為世界流行音樂中心的黃金時代,如今已經(jīng)伴隨著那個時代的離去而離去了。但俱樂部文化已然作為傳統(tǒng)保留了下來,深夜常可見長長的隊伍排在最火暴的俱樂部門口或者在取款機前。



Albert Square

Completed in 1887, this most impressive neo-Gothic building cost a million pounds and is acknowledged as a masterpiece in its own right. It rises as a Victorian edifice - a monument to the civic pride of the city fathers, reaching 286 feet above Albert Square below.

Designed by Alfred Waterhouse, a leading contemporary architect, it was fitted masterfully onto an awkward triangular space - although not unanimously liked as the best looking design, it proved the most practical of the 136 other designs entered. Manchester had achieved city status in 1853, and was keen to show off its civic dignity. Inside it is lavishly and richly decorated, with mosaic floors bearing the "bees", symbols of Manchester's industry, and has wall murals by Ford Madox Brown.

At the front main entrance, a statue of the Roman Governor, Agricola, surveys the square. He had founded the original fort of Mamuciam, from which the city began, and is thus honoured by a statue over the main front entrance to the Town Hall. The building dominates Albert Square, with its monument to Queen Victoria's consort, and statues of some of Manchester's great men.

The square has now been largely pedestrianised and regularly serves as a venue for local events, celebrations, street fairs, Christmas funfairs, etc - much in the way medieval market squares might have done in years gone by. Guided Tours of the Town Hall are available by prior arrangement - sadly they are no longer free. Tours can be arranged through the Manchester Visitor Centre in person or by telephone.

Manchester Town Hall complex has two buildings - the original Town Hall building (sometimes called the old Town Hall) and the Town Hall Extension. The complex is bounded by Albert Square to the front, Princess Street to the left, Peter Street to the right and St Peter's Square to the rear. Lloyd Street separates the older Town Hall building from the newer Town Hall extension.

St Peter's :

* a Baptist Church within the North Western Association of the Baptist Union

* an extra-parochial place of worship attached to the Deanery of Hulme in the Manchester Diocese of the Church of England.

* the Oxford Hall Society of the Manchester Circuit (19/1) within the Manchester and Stockport District of the Methodist Church of Great Britain.

* a Church in the South West Manchester District of the North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church.

These and many other Churches are members of Churches Together in England. At a local level we are members of Churches Together in Longsight and Churches Together in Hulme, Moss Side and Whalley Range.

City Church Manchester was planted in 2002 as a church with a focus for people who work, live or play in Manchester city centre.

City church Manchester

The founding members of the community came from a variety of church backgrounds all recognising that the nature of church needed to evolve for the 21st century.

Since that time things have grown and developed. A vibrant community consisting of all sorts of people has come together. On the whole we are quite young, some students, a whole bunch of twentysomethings, quite a lot of young couples, a sprinkling of young families and even a few 'emptynesters'!






這座維多利亞哥特式圖書館也是市里數(shù)一數(shù)二的優(yōu)美建筑,瑞蘭德先生的遺孀用這種獨特的方式來紀念她的丈夫約翰。 圖書館在2005年前進行了大規(guī)模裝修,包括新添一個游客中心,所以游客現(xiàn)在可以一睹它那美輪美奐的閱覽室風采,欣賞圖書館收藏的早期印刷書籍。






曼徹斯特大學是學生數(shù)量最多的英國大學,從這里走出過25位諾貝爾獎獲得者,“神探夏洛克”——本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)也畢業(yè)于此。大學校園位于牛津路(Oxford Road)兩邊。走到校園,首先迎接您的是曼徹斯特商學院上巨大的“University of Manchester”標志。精華景點在牛津路上,您沿著這條路一直走,能看到曼徹斯特博物館。主要涉及自然科學和生命科學的科目,包括古埃及聞名、地質(zhì)礦石、考古等科目。沿著牛津路走下去,您會看到曼大標志性的“University Place”,舉辦畢業(yè)典禮的“Whitworth Hall”,以及斥資兩千萬英鎊建造的自習樓“Alan Gilbert Learning Commons”。世界排名一直在世界前30,大學幾乎占了曼市三分之一的面積。

求英國 曼徹斯特 的英文介紹...

Manchester is a city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. In 2007, the population of the city was estimated to be 458,100. Manchester lies within one of the United Kingdom's largest metropolitan areas; the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester had an estimated population of 2,562,200, the Greater Manchester Urban Area a population of 2,240,230, and the Larger Urban Zone around Manchester, the second-most-populous in the UK, had an estimated population in the 2004 Urban Audit of 2,539,100.The demonym of Manchester is Mancunian.

Manchester is situated in the south-central part of North West England, fringed by the Cheshire Plain to the south and the Pennines to the north and east. The recorded history of Manchester began with the civilian vicus associated with the Roman fort of Mamucium, which was established c. AD 79 on a sandstone bluff near the confluence of the rivers Medlock and Irwell. Historically, most of the city was a part of Lancashire, although areas south of the River Mersey were in Cheshire. Throughout the Middle Ages Manchester remained a manorial township, but began expanding "at an astonishing rate" around the turn of the 19th century as part of a process of unplanned urbanisation brought on by a boom in textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution.The urbanisation of Manchester largely coincided with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era, resulting in it becoming the world's first industrialised city. As the result of an early-19th century factory building boom, Manchester was transformed from a township into a major mill town, borough and was later granted honorific city status in 1853.

Forming part of the English Core Cities Group, Manchester today is a centre of the arts, the media, higher education and commerce, factors all contributing to Manchester polling as the second city of the United Kingdom in 2002. In a poll of British business leaders published in 2006, Manchester was regarded as the best place in the UK to locate a business. A report commissioned by Manchester Partnership, published in 2007, showed Manchester to be the "fastest-growing city" economically. In the GaWC global city list, Manchester is ranked as a Gamma city. It is the third-most visited city in the United Kingdom by foreign visitors and the most visited in England outside London. Manchester was the host of the 2002 Commonwealth Games, and among its other sporting connections are its two Premier League football teams, Manchester United and Manchester City.


Manchester is a city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. In 2007, the population of the city was estimated to be 458,100. Manchester lies within one of the United Kingdom's largest metropolitan areas; the metropolitan county of Greater Manchester had an estimated population of 2,562,200, the Greater Manchester Urban Area a population of 2,240,230, and the Larger Urban Zone around Manchester, the second-most-populous in the UK, had an estimated population in the 2004 Urban Audit of 2,539,100.The demonym of Manchester is Mancunian.Manchester is situated in the south-central part of North West England, fringed by the Cheshire Plain to the south and the Pennines to the north and east. The recorded history of Manchester began with the civilian vicus associated with the Roman fort of Mamucium, which was established c. AD 79 on a sandstone bluff near the confluence of the rivers Medlock and Irwell. Historically, most of the city was a part of Lancashire, although areas south of the River Mersey were in Cheshire. Throughout the Middle Ages Manchester remained a manorial township, but began expanding "at an astonishing rate" around the turn of the 19th century as part of a process of unplanned urbanisation brought on by a boom in textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution.The urbanisation of Manchester largely coincided with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era, resulting in it becoming the world's first industrialised city. As the result of an early-19th century factory building boom, Manchester was transformed from a township into a major mill town, borough and was later granted honorific city status in 1853.Forming part of the English Core Cities Group, Manchester today is a centre of the arts, the media, higher education and commerce, factors all contributing to Manchester polling as the second city of the United Kingdom in 2002. In a poll of British business leaders published in 2006, Manchester was regarded as the best place in the UK to locate a business. A report commissioned by Manchester Partnership, published in 2007, showed Manchester to be the "fastest-growing city" economically. In the GaWC global city list, Manchester is ranked as a Gamma city. It is the third-most visited city in the United Kingdom by foreign visitors and the most visited in England outside London. Manchester was the host of the 2002 Commonwealth Games, and among its other sporting connections are its two Premier League football teams, Manchester United and Manchester City.


一、概述: 中文名稱: 曼徹斯特 外文名稱: Manchester

別名: 棉都,北方之都,倉庫之城 所屬地區(qū): 大曼徹斯特郡

政府駐地: 曼徹斯特市中心 電話區(qū)號: 0161 電話區(qū)號: 0161 郵政區(qū)碼: M

地理位置: 英格蘭西北部平原 面積: 115.65平方公里 人口: 45.2萬(2005年)

方言: 曼徹斯特方言 氣候條件: 溫帶海洋性氣候 著名景點: 艾伯特廣場,北角,勞瑞中心

機場: 曼徹斯特國際機場 火車站: 維多利亞火車站,皮卡迪利火車站 行政區(qū)類別: 市









從曼徹斯特出發(fā),南行九十公里,就到了莎士比亞故鄉(xiāng)斯特拉夫德鎮(zhèn)(Stratford)。斯特拉夫德在曼城與牛津之間,是典型的英國南部古鎮(zhèn)。遠望古鎮(zhèn),在丘陵起伏的綠色原野上,奔來一片濃綠的島嶼,濃綠襯托下,遠近相連的陡尖的屋頂泛著陳年葡萄酒的殷? ??。亮麗中飽藏著深沉的底蘊。許是莎士比亞名氣太大的緣故吧,這個締造了千古奇才的小鎮(zhèn),在外來人心目中帶著濃厚的神秘色彩。 尋著清幽的布侖河水步入鎮(zhèn)中,仿佛走進一個古遠的童話。古鎮(zhèn)方圓不足兩公里,穿鎮(zhèn)而過的布侖河兩岸,林木染翠,年代久遠的古民宅似依其資歷的長短,由岸邊次第排列開去。維多利亞式建筑的陡峻與厚重,哥特式建筑的俏麗和奇幻,歷史悠久的普通民居的粗獷和古樸,書寫著古鎮(zhèn)的歷史滄桑,而布侖河上那棟中世紀留下來的拱橋,應(yīng)是小鎮(zhèn)更為古老的見證。腳下,布侖河水靜靜地流淌,成群的天鵝和野鴨在河中追逐嬉戲。教堂的鐘聲響起,蕩開河面層層漣漪,向人們心靈深處傳遞著悠揚的靜謐。 緊靠河邊的“圣三一”教堂,建于文藝復(fù)興時期,是鎮(zhèn)上最宏偉的建筑,其外表披一層深厚的苔蘚。教堂內(nèi)安葬著莎士比亞的靈墓。凡來鎮(zhèn)上的游人,第一件事就是到教堂看望莎士比亞老人家。莎翁的靈墓是用漢白玉做成的方形高臺,高可盈人,莎翁的遺體就埋在高臺之下。由于每天都有很多人光顧,教堂嚴格規(guī)定不許拍照。然而工作人員彼德對中國客人格外關(guān)照,特許我們與莎士比亞合影。彼德說,他剛從中國旅游回來,中國是東方文明古國,在中國,莎士比亞幾乎人人皆知,作為莎士比亞的家鄉(xiāng)人,彼德感到驕傲。 世界文學史上有一些偉大的文學家,由于生前不曾被關(guān)注,身后留下的有文字可考的生平資料極為有限。曹雪芹和莎士比亞就是如此。與莎翁家鄉(xiāng)人談莎士比亞,比從媒介獲知的要更為豐富和有趣。在彼德看來,布侖河滋養(yǎng)的這片圣土,必然會出現(xiàn)莎士比亞這樣的不朽人物。據(jù)說,少年時代的莎士比亞就顯露出卓越的文學天賦,他博覽群書,酷愛戲劇,在布侖河邊給小伙伴們講故事,令大家如醉如癡。十三歲上父親破產(chǎn),莎士比亞輟學。青年時代的莎士比亞沿著布侖河走出小鎮(zhèn),到倫敦謀生。他曾給出入劇場的富人牽過馬,在劇團當過跑龍?zhí)椎难輪T,才華橫溢的莎士比亞在惡劣的環(huán)境中開始了自己的戲劇創(chuàng)作。他娶了出身中產(chǎn)階級的瑪麗,妻子為他的寫作提供了經(jīng)濟支持,使其不至于像曹雪芹那樣窮困潦倒。二十多年中,莎士比亞創(chuàng)作了三十二部話劇和一百五十四首十四行詩,成為文藝復(fù)興時期歐洲最偉大的文學家。然而,當時,他并未受到人們重視,四十六歲的莎士比亞告別戲劇界,因創(chuàng)作的艱辛,莎士比亞身心憔悴,五十二歲病逝于布侖河邊。莎士比亞生前默默無聞,大約去世一個多世紀之后,其不朽的劇作才在世界流傳,莎氏的名字在中國家喻戶曉,則是“五四”運動之后的事。愈是不朽的作品,愈需要時間的考驗,大家未必能得到立竿見影的回報,后人為他們遺憾也于事無補。眼下在英國,竟然有人質(zhì)疑莎士比亞的不朽劇作是否出自莎翁之手,九泉之下的莎士比亞有口難辯。莎翁家鄉(xiāng)人對此嗤之以鼻,足見他們對莎士比亞的愛戴。 莎翁的故居,位于布侖河邊一箭之地的鎮(zhèn)中心。一棟古舊的二層木制小樓,坐北朝南,臨街而建。門樓上掛一鐵牌,標明建筑年代為1531年。走進屋內(nèi),便進入了當年莎翁的生活。一樓是客廳和廚房,壁爐中的火依然殷紅,面包、牛排< /a>和刀叉之類擺在餐桌上,咖啡壺和杯子帶有幾分粗糲。所有這些,向造訪者傳達著古典的溫馨。二樓作為臥室和書房。書房塑有莎翁的蠟像,蠟像前的書案堆放著字跡密集的稿紙,莎翁靠著坐椅凝神思索。一切偉大的藝術(shù)創(chuàng)造,無不來自寂寞和孤獨。莎士比亞的許多膾炙人口的偉大作品,就是在這間書房里完成的。


艾伯特廣場是了紀念維多利亞女王的丈夫艾伯特命名的。廣場位于丁斯蓋特和莫斯利大街之間,是城市的心臟地帶。廣場上最有特色的標志是一座建于維多利亞時代的歌德式建筑。廣場西面的丁斯蓋特街的約翰·賴蘭德圖書館擁有維多利亞歌德式建筑再往西面走,就是坐落于艾威爾河旁邊的Pumphouse人民歷史博物館,展覽的主題是社會歷史和工人運動。 廣場南面是圣彼得廣場,旁邊的自由工會會所就是1819年彼得羅屠殺發(fā)生的地方,現(xiàn)已改建為酒店。再往南是前中央車站,現(xiàn)在成了G-Mex展覽會議中心。旁邊俯視著G-Mex的棱角分明的后現(xiàn)代建筑物就是布里奇沃特音樂大廳,著名的哈雷管弦樂團的成阿戴爾中心 阿戴爾中心曾在1996年的爆炸事件遭到了破壞。遭到破壞的還有谷物交易所、皇家交易所、隆里奇大廈和原來的馬沙大廈。經(jīng)重建,全世界最大的馬沙大廈取代了原來的大樓,皇家交易所和谷物交易所已整修一新,兩間具有歷史價值的酒吧被重新安置到了大教堂旁的新夏波斯廣場。大教堂和圣安妮廣場改為了步行區(qū)。






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