

導(dǎo)讀:天柱山旅游景點(diǎn)英文介紹(天柱山的英文介紹) 需要以下景點(diǎn)的英文介紹:黃山,九華山,天柱山 宏村 太平湖 適合3年級(jí)的,時(shí)長(zhǎng)1分鐘 謝謝! 天柱山景點(diǎn)介紹 急求合肥各主要景點(diǎn)英文導(dǎo)游詞 關(guān)于天柱山的英語(yǔ)作文 用英語(yǔ)介紹安徽特色景點(diǎn),推薦理由,友情提示

需要以下景點(diǎn)的英文介紹:黃山,九華山天柱山 宏村 太平湖 適合3年級(jí)的,時(shí)長(zhǎng)1分鐘 謝謝!

As a deep water lake, Taiping Lake is the largest fresh water man-made lake in Anhui Province, and situated between the Yellow Mountains and Jiuhua Mountain. It extends 80 kilometers from east to west, which is roughly the same distance down the Li River from Guilin to Yangsuo, and covers an area of about 100 square kilometers. Taiping Lake is quite young, it’s not on the map until 1970 that a dam was built on Qingyi River, which is a branch of Yangtze River. A reservoir was formed when the dam was completed, and called Chencun Reserve.

To better promote it and develop the tourist industry here, this reservoir was renamed Lake Taiping in 1979, for most part of the lake lies in Taiping County that is today’s Huangshan District. In Chinese, Taiping means peace or peaceful. So it can be also called Lake Peace, or Lake Taipinghu.





公元106年,漢武帝登禮天柱山“號(hào)曰南岳”,589年,隋文帝詔南岳為衡山,故天柱山又稱古南岳。又因春秋時(shí)為皖國(guó)封地,山名皖山,水為皖水,安徽省簡(jiǎn)稱“皖”即源于此,故天柱山為安徽的“源頭山”。 天柱山有雄峰奇石、幽洞秀水,綽約多姿,純樸自然,居“南國(guó)第一”。1982年被國(guó)務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)為“全國(guó)第一批重點(diǎn)風(fēng)景名勝”1992年又被批為國(guó)家級(jí)森林公園。 天柱山有號(hào)稱“花崗巖第一秘府”的神秘谷;有天下奇觀石牛古洞、摩巖石刻;有中國(guó)第三大高山湖泊--“煉丹湖”以及禪宗第三代祖庭三祖禪寺等景觀。

天柱山位于安徽省安慶潛山縣境內(nèi),因其主峰天柱峰似“擎天一柱”而得名。天柱山是國(guó)家首批重點(diǎn)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)、國(guó)家AAAAA級(jí)旅游區(qū)、國(guó)家森林公園國(guó)家地質(zhì)公園、國(guó)家自然與文化雙遺產(chǎn)地,是中國(guó)“最具潛力的十大風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)”之一。景區(qū)面積102.72 KM2,保護(hù)區(qū)面積304 KM2,分大龍窩、佛光寺、龍?zhí)?/a>河、西關(guān)寨等八大景區(qū)。公元前106年,漢武帝登禮天柱山,賜封“南岳”稱號(hào)。隋開(kāi)皇九年,煬帝擴(kuò)疆,改稱湖南衡山為南岳,但天柱山仍被尊稱為“古南岳”。歷代帝王或親自禮祭或遣吏致祭南岳天柱山。春秋時(shí)為皖國(guó)封地,山名皖山,水名皖水,安徽省簡(jiǎn)稱“皖”即源于此,因此天柱山又名皖山,是安徽的源頭山。


天柱山不僅自然風(fēng)光獨(dú)特,人文景觀也十分豐富。這里有中華禪宗第三代祖庭三祖禪寺;有天下奇觀山谷流泉摩崖石? ??群;有 “華東第一漂”的白馬潭漂流。這里還是“中國(guó)第一長(zhǎng)詩(shī)”《孔雀東南飛》的故事發(fā)生地;是三國(guó)美女大喬、小喬梳妝的故鄉(xiāng)。這里不但引來(lái)了王安石、蘇軾、黃庭堅(jiān)等文人墨客,也走出了“京劇鼻祖”程長(zhǎng)庚、“章回小說(shuō)大家”張恨水,也是雜技皇后夏菊花、黃梅戲新秀韓再芬的故鄉(xiāng)。

天柱山已經(jīng)成為安徽省繼“兩山一湖”之后的第二大旅游經(jīng)濟(jì)板塊,與黃山、九華山并稱為安徽“三大名山”, 天柱山旅游接待人數(shù)的節(jié)節(jié)攀升。入境地人數(shù)成倍增長(zhǎng)。2010年天柱山共接待海內(nèi)外游人229萬(wàn)人次,創(chuàng)旅游總收入近10 億元。













李鴻章故居:Li Hongz hang,s Former Residence

Li Hongzhang, who styled himself Shao Quan, was born in Hefei in 1823. His highest official title was governor-general of Zhili (now Hebei province) and Northern Minister concurrently. He held key posts for forty years, traveling far and wide across East Asia and West Europe. He was in charge of both the domestic affairs and foreign affairs of the Qing Dynasty. He founded the Huai Army and initiated the Westernization Movement. He was referred to as “the first man to advocate the open-door policy in China.” His former residence is located on the Huaihe Road (the mid-section) of Hefei. The entire building looks magnificent with carved beams and rafters. It is the largest existing and best preserved former residence of a VIP in Hefei. It is a key cultural relic site under the protection of Anhui provincial government.

天柱山 Mt.Tianzhu

At a distance of 160 kilometers south of Hefei, Mt. Tianzhu is one of the first-listed key national scenic areas and a 4A-grade scenic spot as well as a national civilized forest park, covering an area of 333 square kilometers. It is known for its steep passes, ancient villages, peculiar pines, strange rocks, deep valleys and caves, waterfalls, brooks, waving fog and sea of clouds. Mt. Tianzhu is rich in cultural relics. In 106 BC, Wudi Emperor of the Han Dynasty officially named Mt. Tianzhu as the Southern Sacred Mountain. It is not only the worship site of the Third Patriarch of the Chan (Zen) sect, but also the very place where the two great love stories in ancient China took place---Peacocks Flying Southeast and the Newly-married Younger Sister Qiao. The two famous Chinese operas---Huangmei Opera and Peking Opera also originated from this area.





The most famous scenic spot in Mount Huangshan is Anhui, with ancient Huizhou. Huangshan the most characteristic is: Fantastic pines, grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and hot springs, Huangshan 82 Feng, Cui Wei or powerful or beautiful Junqiao, Cuoluoyouzhi layout, as well as natural as skillfully and to day peak, lotus peak, bright top three peaks as the center to three weeks spread, drop for Shenhe Valley, uplift Luan peaks cliff. Lotus peak is the highest peak.


Hongcun, Xidi village is representative of ancient Huizhou.


Followed by Mount Jiuhua in Qingyang. The tour Jiuhuashan the best season is from March to November, here is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains, may the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva temple.


And like the old mountain of Tianzhu Mountain, located, Qianshan County, Anqing City, formerly known as buried hill is the ancient Nanyue, the peak of the Tianzhu peak.


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