
西安周邊景點英文簡介 西安旅游景點英語介紹

1. 西安旅游景點英語介紹

Xingqing Palace Park is located in the north of Xianning West Road outside the East Gate of Xi'an City, Xingqing Square in the former Chang'an City.

2. 西安旅游英語介紹簡單

xi'an city is in the northwest of China

3. 西安景點英文介紹

The Big Wild Goose Pagoda is located in the Dacien Temple of Jinchangfang, Chang'an City, Tang Dynasty, also known as the "Cien Temple Pagoda".

In the three years of Tang Yonghui (652), Xuanzang presided over the construction of the Goose Pagoda for the preservation of the scroll Buddha statues brought back to Chang'an by Tianzhu through the Silk Road.

The first five stories were added to the ninth stories, then the number and height of the seven stories were changed several times.Finally, they were fixed to the seven-story pagodas seen today, with a height of 64.517 meters and a bottom edge length of 25.5 meters.

4. 西安的景點英文介紹


5. 西安旅游景點英語介紹ppt


Wooden cages mirror cake ;After payment, the customers can select the brown sugar, white sugar or orange flour and put it on the cake according to their tastes; soft, sweet, fragrant smell, the taste is very good。

6. 西安的旅游景點英語介紹

Xi'an (Chinese:西安),is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People's Republic of China .As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history,Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese history,including the Zhou,Qin,Han,the Sui,and Tang dynasties.Xi'an is the eastern end of the Silk Road .The city has more than 3,100 years of history,and was known as Chang'an (traditional Chinese:長安).

Long holidays are usual during Spring Festival,Labor Holiday (1-7 May),and National Holiday (1-7 October).The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August),although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi'an is Autumn.

7. 西安旅游景點英語介紹視頻

There are four seasons in everywhere.But it just has two seasons in xij'an.Why?

It's too short in spring and autumn that you can not notice.So being changeable is a kind of feature of xi'an's weather.xi'an's weather is hot in summer,just like people here.Besides what i said,you must be interested in the weather in winter.It totally has the characteristic of north weather.

8. 西安的旅游景點英語

您好,很高興為您解答較為官方的表達為:tourist destinations.例如:Today,Xi'an is one of the country's major tourist destinations.(今天,西安已是全國主要的的旅游勝地之一)

9. 西安景區(qū)英語介紹

Xi'an,the capital of Shannxi Province,is stuated in the fertile Wei


of the few Chinese cities where the ancient foetress walls can still be seen.Xi'an dates back more than 3,000 years and has impressive collection of archaeological relies to help explain its rich


known as Chang'an("ternal Peace"),the city of Xi'an had served as a capital under 13 dynasties.

Xi'an is vest known as within the local arts and crafts community for its thriving archaeological reproduction industry,which features painted Neolothic pottery; life-size Qin terra-cotta figures, glazed Tang funeral wares,and Tang tomb murals. A wide variety of folk crafts is also produced in the region,including needlework,ceramics,paper cuts,and rubbing(made from the impressions of stone carvings).

China had 231 emperors and one ruling empress, 79 of whom were buried in Shaanxi. One imperial mausoleum in Shaanxi,which apples to most of visitors,is the Oianling Tomb where Wu Zetian, China's only tuling empress, and her hubband Li Zhi, who has Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Emperor Qin shihuang's Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses acclaimed as the "Star Pool" in the Zhou Dynasty 2,800 years ago,the Neolithic Banpo Museum with a history of 6,000 years---an important excavated restored Neolothic Chinese village, the China's best-preserved City Wall built in the early Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), the Big Wild Goose Pagoda erected in 652, the Forest of Steles, the largest stone library in China and also called a treasure house of Chinese calligraphy with a superb collection by famous callgraphers form Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) to Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).

The Terra-Catta Warriors&Horses of the Qin Dynasty--秦兵馬俑

Huaqing Hot Spring-華清池

First Emperor's Tomb of the Qin Dynasty-秦始皇陵

City Wall-西安城墻

Banpo Museum-半坡博物館

Big Wild Goose Pagoda-大雁塔

Forst of Stelae-碑林

Great Mosque -清真寺

Famen Temple-法門寺

Maoling Mausoleum-茂陵

Yang Guifei(719-756)Tomb-楊貴妃墓

Black Dargon Temple -青龍寺

Temple of Prosperous Teaching-興教寺

Three Days on Mount Huashan-華山3日游

Qianling Tomb-乾陵

Yellow Emperor's Tomb-黃帝陵

Yaowang Temple藥王廟

10. 英文介紹西安景點

Hi, my name is xx. I am a xi 'an child. My hometown is very beautiful. My hometown is the famous wild goose pagoda, tower and datang west city, etc. My hometown is one of the world's four big ancient capital and among the top of the ancient capital of China. Welcome to my hometown xi 'an

11. 西安著名景點介紹英語

I'm very happy that we visited Xi'an last year.We enjoy those days in Xi'an very much.Xi'an is a great city,it has long history and great views.We went to the Xi'an museum,and the great two towers.

I also saw the great ancient soldiers,and a lot of wonderful things.Xi'an also has clean and wide streets,high buildings and a lot of good food.I love the noodles!

Xi'an is so lovely that a lot of people go to visit it.I also saw many foreign visitors,they' were all very interested in Xi'an.I was so proud about xi'an,and our great country.

旅游景點英語「西安旅游景點英語」 西安旅游景點英語

景點,景區(qū) 用英語怎么說?

“景點”或“景區(qū)”一詞是導游資料和導游詞中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的詞,其原義是“風景美麗的地點(地區(qū))”(英文是scenic spot或scenic area);但是,現(xiàn)在人們習慣把所有旅游者去看的地方都稱為“景點”或“景區(qū)”,我們一些導游也不加區(qū)別通譯成 scenic spot 或 scenic area。深圳中國民俗文化村是一個(薈萃中國56個民族的民間藝術、民族風情和民居建筑于一園的)大型文化游覽區(qū)”。這句話有人譯成“The China Folk Culture Villageis alarge-scale cultural tourscenic area(comprising one gardenassembling folk arts, local conditions and customs and local-style dwelling houses of 56ethnic groups)”。深圳民俗文化村明明是一個“文化游覽區(qū)”,怎么可以說成“scenic area”?廣州越秀公園中山紀念碑下有一塊市政園林局豎立的中英文標志:優(yōu)秀管理景點;英文是“Excellently Managed Scenic Spot”;河源蘇家圍客家村里有很多中英文對照的路標,寫著“下一景點:某某;Next Scenic Spot:...”。中山紀念碑、蘇家圍的蘇公祠和光化堂又怎能說是scenic spot 呢?不要以為一個單詞使用不當問題不大,如果導游帶團去參觀的是自由市場他也說“The next scenic spot we are going to see is a free market”那就是個不小的笑話了。所以,英語里表達相當于現(xiàn)在人們所說的“景點”的詞有很多,必須根據(jù)不同情況采取不同的譯法,例如:

一、Tourist attraction(Sth. which attracts tourists):

近年來盤龍峽已成為廣東的一個熱門的旅游景點。(In resent years, the Panlong Gorge has become a tourist attraction in Guangdong Province.)

二、Tourist resort(a place visited frequently or by large numbers):

a. 北帶河是一個著名的海濱避暑圣地。(Beidaihe is a well-known seaside and summer resort.)

b. 從化溫泉是個療養(yǎng)區(qū)。(The Conghua Hot Spring is a health resort.)

三、 Destination(a place to which a person is going or which a person wants to reach.):

我們半小時后上車前往下一個景點。(Half an hour later, we’ll meet in the bus and leave for the next destination.)

四、 Sight(sth. worth seeing, esp. a place visited by tourists; a view of spectacle.):

a. 去車站之前我們先看一兩個景點。(Before going to the train station, we’ll see one or two sights in the city.)

b. 美國大峽谷是世界八大奇觀之一。(The Grand Canyon in the United States is one of the eight sights of the world.)

c. 羊城八景(The Eight Sights of the Goat City)

d. 景點的講解員也稱“景點導游”,英文是“establishment guide”,不能說“scenic-spot guide”。



英 [sa?t]? 美 [sa?t]    

n. 視力;看見;視線;景物

例句:The train is still in sight.



1、check one's sight 檢查視力

2、control one's sight 控制視力

3、destroy sb's sight 毀壞某人的視力





中文釋義:n. 風景;景色;舞臺布景


But what about its scenery?




中文釋義:adv. 布景地;風景優(yōu)美地


The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically



state-list famous historical and culture cities 國家級歷史文化名城

tourist destination 旅游目的地

tourist destination area 旅游目的地地區(qū)

tourist destination country 旅游目的國

tourist map 旅游地圖

tourist spots/attractions 旅游景點

tourist attractions /scenic spots旅游景點

tourist trade 旅游界

travel 旅行

World Tourism Day 世界旅游日

information desk 問訊處

Natural scenery/ attractions自然景觀

Famous mountains and great rivers名山大川

Scenic spots and historical sites 名勝古跡

Places of historic figures and cultural heritage人文景觀

Cultural/human landscape 人文景觀

Inviting views誘人景色

Green hills and clear waters 青山綠水

Landscape of lakes and hills/beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains 湖光山色

Picturesque view 風景如畫

tourism 旅游

pleasure trip 游覽,漫游

business trip 商務旅行

organized tour 組團旅游

circular tour 環(huán)程旅行

package tour, inclusive tour 包辦旅行

outward journey 單程旅行

return journey, round trip 往返旅行

holiday 假期

excursion, outing 遠足

expedition 遠征,探險

hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘

itinerary 旅行指南

itinerary, route 旅行路線

stopover 中途下車暫停

stage 停歇點,中間站

departure at 10 a.m. 上午10時出發(fā)

arrival at 12 p.m. 夜12點抵達

stay 停留

return 返回

embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船

disembarkation 下船


tourist attractions


臨近單詞:tourist ? ? ? ?tourist flow


英 [?t??r?st]? ?美 [?t?r?st]



復數(shù): tourists



a person who is travelling or visiting a place for pleasure

busloads of foreign tourists


a popular tourist attraction/destination/resort

為游客所喜愛的旅游景點 / 目的地 / 勝地

the tourist industry/sector

旅游業(yè) / 部門

Further information is available from the local tourist office .



a member of a sports team that is playing a series of official games in a foreign country



距離旅游景點 ? ?tsukiji hamarikyu ; langham place shopping mall ; prado museum ;

shakespeare's birthplace


倫敦旅游景點?London Sights

意大利旅游景點介紹?Italy Attractions

越南旅游景點介紹?Vietnam Attractions

威尼斯旅游景點介紹?Venice Attractions

旅游景點瘋狂性愛?Hottest Getting His Attention

漢諾威旅游景點介紹?Hannover Attractions



Ponte?Vecchio?in Florence?is?one?of?the?famous?tourist?attractions?in?Italy,?and?considered as?the oldest?stone?arch bridge?in?Europe.


景點的英文:scenic spots

scenic spots

英文發(fā)音:[?si?n?k sp?ts]



Now I understand this is one of Kanas Lake's scenic spots, Yueliang ( Moon) Lake.







This is an extremely scenic part of America.






Not surprisingly, it's one of the world's top spots for divers.






中文釋義:n. 風景;景色;舞臺布景


But what about its scenery?




中文釋義:adv. 布景地;風景優(yōu)美地


The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically



  • 西安周邊景點英文簡介 西安旅游景點英語介紹

    西安周邊景點英文簡介 西安旅游景點英語介紹 1. 西安旅游景點英語介紹2. 西安旅游英語介紹簡單3. 西安景點英文介紹4. 西安的景點英文介紹5. 西安旅游景點英語介紹ppt6. 西安的旅游景點英語介紹7. 西安旅游景點英語介紹視頻8. 西安的旅游景點英語9. 西安景區(qū)英語介紹10. 英文介紹西安景點11. 西安著名景點介紹英語

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  • 旅游景點英語「西安旅游景點英語」

    旅游景點英語「西安旅游景點英語」 景點,景區(qū) 用英語怎么說?景點的英語是什么?旅游景點的英語單詞“旅游景點”英文怎么說景點的英文怎么說

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  • 西安旅游景點英語介紹視頻(西安旅游英語介紹簡單)

    西安旅游景點英語介紹視頻(西安旅游英語介紹簡單) 西安旅游景點介紹?用英語說西安著名景點,請幫我用一篇簡短的英文介紹一下西安的旅游景點,不需要太復雜陜西旅游景點介紹 英文版 中文對照用英語介紹西安西安旅游景點介紹麻煩幫我翻譯成英文

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