
西班牙景點中英文 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹

導讀:西班牙景點中英文 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹 1. 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹 2. 新西蘭風景名勝英文介紹 3. 西班牙風景介紹英語 4. 意大利景點英文介紹 5. 西班牙旅游英文介紹 6. 西班牙語景點介紹 7. 西班牙著名景點英文介紹 8. 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹簡短 9. 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹簡單 10. 西班牙的風景名勝英文

1. 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹

Spain is a very warm country. ThatSpain is a very warm country. The environment there is very warm, and the people are very warm.

2. 新西蘭風景名勝英文介紹

新西蘭(New Zealand),又譯紐西蘭,位于太平洋西南部,是個島嶼國家。新西蘭兩大島嶼以庫克海峽分隔,南島鄰近南極洲,北島與斐濟及湯加相望。首都惠靈頓,最大的城市是奧克蘭。新西蘭是君主立憲制混合英國式議會民主制,現(xiàn)為英聯(lián)邦成員國之一



3. 西班牙風景介紹英語



4. 意大利景點英文介紹

CTF——CHOW TAI FOOK,是周大福粵語的英文音譯。


5. 西班牙旅游英文介紹

Bull fighting in Spain

Bull fighting is very closely associated with Spain and can trace its origins back to 711 A.D. This is when the first bullfight took place in celebration for the crowning of King Alfonso VIII. It is very popular in Spain with several thousand Spaniards flocking to their local bull-ring each week. It is said that the total number of people watching bullfights in Spain reaches one million every year.

This is a show, basically a dance with death - one wrong move and the Matador, the top bullfighter, could become impaled on the horns of the bull. It is the Matador's job to charge the bull with spear and make this dance dramatic and enjoyable for the audience.

The faena continues until the Matador has demonstrated his superiority over the bull. Once this is achieved the bull is ready to be killed.

The matador may be awarded trophies by the president, according to his skill in working with the bull, which can be one or two ears from the bull, the tail and the hoof. The crowd will often encourage the president to award the trophies by waving white hankerchiefs, and this waving continues after the trophies have been awarded in an attempt to get the matador to throw his trophies into the crowd. The crowd in return hurls flowers which are collected by the matador's assistants.

6. 西班牙語景點介紹


1. 阿爾加維的海灘

2. 辛特拉的宮殿和城堡

3. 杜羅河谷的酒莊

4. 埃斯特雷拉自然公園

5. 充滿活力的首都,里斯本

6. 葡萄牙的威尼斯,阿威羅

7. 亞速爾群島的九個島嶼

8. 孟山都的巨石村

9. 波爾圖的酒窖

10. 在vora的骨頭禮拜堂












7. 西班牙著名景點英文介紹

你知道什么是典型的哥特式建筑嗎哥特式建筑帶著濃重的宗教色彩,這使她超越了單純的藝術(shù)表現(xiàn),也比中世紀其他的文化成就更讓人嘆為觀止 。她有高聳入云的尖塔,棱紋拱頂;她大多是教堂;她的代表作品就是我們熟知的巴黎圣母院……Many diversified characteristics will help identify a structure as Gothic: ogee archways, ribbed vaults, and the wondrous flying buttresses are a few。

Yet, it is always the craft placed high

above, which captures our eyes and imaginations most effectively。

Since all works of religious art rise beyond mere artistic expression, bearing potent symbolic reference, we must accept that our attention was intended to be focused upwards。

Within the span of the passing centuries, the cathedrals of the Middle Ages themselves rise up above other cultural achievements。

At the center of these towering legacies resides Notre Dame de Paris, "Our Lady"。 重點詞匯Gothic a。

哥特式的 ogee n。 彎曲,S形 archway n。 拱門,拱道 vault n。 拱頂 ribbed a。 有棱紋的,有肋骨的 buttress n。 (建筑)扶壁 few n。 很少數(shù),幾乎沒有 cathedral n。

大教堂 the Middle Ages n。 中世紀 potent a。 有力的,有效的 legacy n。 祖先傳下的遺產(chǎn) towering a。 高聳的,杰出的 reside v。

居住 Notre Dame de Paris n。 巴黎圣母院 入住愛思家園,搶注你的個性空間 免費在線英語測試 轉(zhuǎn)貼于:24EN。 COM巴黎圣母院:哥特式建筑的杰出代表她坐落在巴黎市中心、塞納河的西岱島上,她玫瑰色窗戶上的斑駁玻璃、工藝講究的尖頂造型集中了哥特式建筑的全部精華……In thinking of Gothic architecture, our thoughts always ascend。

For that which embodies Gothic style most is lofty; Rose windows of stained glass, ornately crafted spires, and the guardians of grand cathedrals, the Gargoyles。

Each is distinctly Gothic, and all distinctly Notre Dame de Paris。Notre Dame de Paris, more than seven hundred years old, is only the most recent of holy houses to occupy this ancient sacred ground。

The Celts held their services on this island in the Seine, and atop their sacred groves the Romans built their own temple to Jupiter。

In the early years of Christianity, a basilica dedicated to St。 Etienne was constructed around 528 by Childebert。

A church in the Romanesque manner replaced the basilica, and this stood until 1163 when work began on the structure which stands today。

重點詞匯Gothic architecture n。 哥特式建筑 lofty a。 高級的,高傲的,高高的 stained a。 褪色的 ornate a。 裝飾華麗的,絢麗的 spire n。

尖頂 cathedral n。 大教堂 gargoyle n。 怪獸狀的滴水嘴 sacred a。 莊嚴的,神圣的Notre Dame de Paris n。 巴黎圣母院 Celt n。

凱爾特人 Seine n。 塞納河 atop prep。 在……頂上 grove n。 小樹林 Christianity n。 基督教 basilica n。 長方形基督教堂 Romanesque n。

8. 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹簡短

France is an western European country. Its neiboring countries include Belgium, Spain, Germany, etc. France is famous for the Eifel Tower in Paris, the capital of France. France is also the world's top producer in perfume and other fashionable beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most.法國是一個西歐國家。它的鄰國包括比利時、西班牙、德國等。法國以首都巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔著名。法國也是世界上頂端的香水和其他時尚化妝品的產(chǎn)地。許多到巴黎的旅游者最重視它的藝術(shù)博物館和歷史古跡。

9. 西班牙風景名勝英文介紹簡單


由7個小島組成。Teneriffa島--丹納麗芙島面積最大;GranCanaria島--大加納利島有各種不同的生態(tài)環(huán)境;耶羅島最小;Lapalma島-- 拉帕爾馬島最綠;Fuerterentura島--弗埃特文圖拉島最干燥;拉戈梅拉島的島民語言最獨特;Lanzarote島蘭薩洛特島最像希臘。









10. 西班牙的風景名勝英文

不是西班牙文,是英文。競爭 比賽的意思。


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