

導讀:長沙旅游景點介紹中英對照「長沙旅游景點介紹中英對照表」 關(guān)于介紹長沙的英語作文 60-80字 湖南長沙有哪些旅游景點 介紹長沙旅游勝地 小吃等 的英語作文 ?。〖保。?!介紹長沙的旅游勝地,天氣,小吃,等等的英語作文 長沙的主要旅游景點 長沙的旅游景點有哪些好玩

關(guān)于介紹長沙的英語作文 60-80字


Changsha is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical location.Surrounding the city are the beautiful Yuelu MountainDawei Mountain and Weishan Mountainand the Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River flow across it.

The Juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in Hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors.






2、長沙石燕湖 。 湖南省石燕湖生態(tài)旅游風景區(qū)位于長沙、株洲湘潭三市交匯處,景區(qū)占地面積 5平方公里,規(guī)劃15平方公里。距長株潭三市10—20公里,年接待游客50萬人。它是國家旅游局首批評定的AAA級旅游景區(qū)、湖南省首家野生動物園、湖南百景、湖南省十大水體旅游景區(qū)、國內(nèi)專業(yè)的拓展訓練基地、群眾賽龍舟基地,是長沙市民最受歡迎的十佳旅游景區(qū)之一。

3、長沙月亮島。 位于市區(qū)西北14公里的湘江西岸,是以美麗的自然風光為特色的新辟旅游點。

4、岳麓山風景名勝區(qū)系湖南省首批審列公布的風景名勝區(qū)。位于古城長沙的湘江兩岸,總面積 36平方公里,由麓山、天馬山、桃花嶺、石佳嶺四個景區(qū)及新民學會舊址、南津城士城頭二景點組成。


6、青羊湖休閑區(qū) 。

青羊湖 ?也叫黃材水庫,距寧鄉(xiāng)縣城45公里,距省會長沙100公里,將溈水攔腰截斷,是溈水上游的界線。水庫建于1958年,擁有“高峽平湖”自然山水風貌的青洋湖是全國第二大土壩工程,萬畝水面,煙波浩淼;兩岸青山,靜景成壁;白鷺翔飛,魚翔碧水;放舟擊波,心曠神怡。

7、長沙世界之窗。長沙世界之窗由湖南電廣傳媒股份有限公司、深圳華僑城控股股份有限公司和香港中旅集團共同投資興建的大型文化主題公園。坐落于長沙市金鷹影視? ?化城,占地40萬平方米,累計投資3億元人民幣,是迄今為止湖南省最大的旅游、影視、文化、娛樂基地。




介紹長沙旅游勝地 小吃等 的英語作文

就是地方特產(chǎn)嘛我沒去過長沙所以介紹個小吃就行看Traffic management conditions is the regional tourism industry formation and development basis, and the accessibility, the degree and road quality fit and unfit quality, to attract tourists, line organization, the construction of tourism environment and so on, have extremely profound. If there is no perfect traffic management network system support, and even if the abundant tourism resources can only stay in a state of development, can't make full use of its tourism value, the development of regional tourism industry will be severely restricted.

Mount wudang good location conditions, resources are unique, Taoism culture details profound, as the world cultural heritage, Taoism culture, the wudang mountain development potential is great. However tourist traffic management means lag but restricted tourism industry of the development of a huge bottleneck. In order to improve the tourism resources of accessibility, improve its real as a world cultural heritage in the class, to wudang mountain tourist traffic management recognition of is very necessary. 1 tourism resources evaluation

Mount wudang has incomparable beauty, is beautiful and harmonious unity of humanity beauty height, known as the "everlasting unique scenic spot, the first one seazan".

(1) the natural landscape strange beautiful mount wudang. Here, there are 72 He fold the incredible peak, 36 rocks, 24 jian, the 11 holes, 10 stone, such as channel 9 wonderful scenery. The tianzhufeng known as "YiZhuQingTian expensive"; The main peak around all the various and a strange, but strove for supremacy toward the form made in heaven, "WanShanLai toward the" wonders. Mount wudang variety of scenery, no matter when the four seasons can enjoy visit the mysterious empty spirit of natural beauty.

(2) wudang Taoism majestic buildings. Here is the birthplace of Taoist zhenwu tati, built of ancient Taoism on a grand scale, the momentum of the majestic, known as the "the wonders." only According to statistics, tang dynasty to qing dynasty monastic build temples in more than 500, over 20000 rooms. In the Ming dynasty, emperor of mount wudang dojo the heyday as a royal family shrine, with nine palace 9 view on 33 place complex. Existing ancient building is in good in 129, still do not break when the grand manner.

(3) wudang Taoism culture has a long history. In addition to the mount wudang Taoism building, the Taoist martial arts, Taoism, Taoism FaShi, Taoism medicinal food, Taoism and precious cultural relics and so on also become famous at home and abroad, especially in the wudang boxing is enjoy extensive international reputation. In addition, the wudang relevant zhenwu and legend story, customs and so on also rich and colorful, which had its.

2 tourism traffic management present situation analysis

2.1 tourism traffic management situation

(1) highway traffic. For the development of tourism, the wudang mountain road transportation need in recent years have been relatively substantially improved. , 316 national highway (han ten road), 209 national highway wear condition, han ten highway shiyan to xiangfan section has been opened, initially forming a "ten" glyph communication network. Wuhan to shiyan, shiyan to yinchuan of highway under construction and perfect, will further improve the wudang mountain, mount wudang tourist traffic to promote the development of tourism. The wudang mountain scenic area traffic: send to the whole country or way of wudang mount bus to Beijing, shijiazhuang north, zhengzhou; West to hanzhong, ankang, xian; East to nanjing and wuxi, south of changsha, shenzhen, etc. The province is more traffic extend in all directions.



Traffic management conditions is the regional tourism industry formation and development basis, and the accessibility, the degree and road quality fit and unfit quality, to attract tourists, line organization, the construction of tourism environment and so on, have extremely profound. If there is no perfect traffic management network system support, and even if the abundant tourism resources can only stay in a state of development, can't make full use of its tourism value, the development of regional tourism industry will be severely restricted.

Mount wudang good location conditions, resources are unique, Taoism culture details profound, as the world cultural heritage, Taoism culture, the wudang mountain development potential is great. However tourist traffic management means lag but restricted tourism industry of the development of a huge bottleneck. In order to improve the tourism resources of accessibility, improve its real as a world cultural heritage in the class, to wudang mountain tourist traffic management recognition of is very necessary. 1 tourism resources evaluation

Mount wudang has incomparable beauty, is beautiful and harmonious unity of humanity beauty height, known as the "everlasting unique scenic spot, the first one seazan".

(1) the natural landscape strange beautiful mount wudang. Here, there are 72 He fold the incredible peak, 36 rocks, 24 jian, the 11 holes, 10 stone, such as channel 9 wonderful scenery. The tianzhufeng known as "YiZhuQingTian expensive"; The main peak around all the various and a strange, but strove for supremacy toward the form made in heaven, "WanShanLai toward the" wonders. Mount wudang variety of scenery, no matter when the four seasons can enjoy visit the mysterious empty spirit of natural beauty.

(2) wudang Taoism majestic buildings. Here is the birthplace of Taoist zhenwu tati, built of ancient Taoism on a grand scale, the momentum of the majestic, known as the "the wonders." only According to statistics, tang dynasty to qing dynasty monastic build temples in more than 500, over 20000 rooms. In the Ming dynasty, emperor of mount wudang dojo the heyday as a royal family shrine, with nine palace 9 view on 33 place complex. Existing ancient building is in good in 129, still do not break when the grand manner.

(3) wudang Taoism culture has a long history. In addition to the mount wudang Taoism building, the Taoist martial arts, Taoism, Taoism FaShi, Taoism medicinal food, Taoism and precious cultural relics and so on also become famous at home and abroad, especially in the wudang boxing is enjoy extensive international reputation. In addition, the wudang relevant zhenwu and legend story, customs and so on also rich and colorful, which had its.

2 tourism traffic management present situation analysis

2.1 tourism traffic management situation

(1) highway traffic. For the development of tourism, the wudang mountain road transportation need in recent years have been relatively substantially improved. , 316 national highway (han ten road), 209 national highway wear condition, han ten highway shiyan to xiangfan section has been opened, initially forming a "ten" glyph communication network. Wuhan to shiyan, shiyan to yinchuan of highway under construction and perfect, will further improve the wudang mountain, mount wudang tourist traffic to promote the development of tourism. The wudang mountain scenic area traffic: send to the whole country or way of wudang mount bus to Beijing, shijiazhuang north, zhengzhou; West to hanzhong, ankang, xian; East to nanjing and wuxi, south of changsha, shenzhen, etc. The province is more traffic extend in all directions.










岳麓書院歷代名人楊樹達、程潛、王夫之、陶澍 、楊守仁、左宗棠、曾國藩、曾國荃、李元度、皮錫瑞 楊昌濟、魏源、陳天華、蔡鍔、范旭東











橘子洲的風景很不錯,湘江從旁邊緩緩流過,春天江鷗點點;夏秋林木蔥蘢;冬天又有瀟湘八景之一“江天暮雪”的景? ??可看。1904年后,長沙辟為對外開放商埠,洲上建有英國領(lǐng)事館、長沙新關(guān)。














6. 開福寺

開福寺位于長沙市開福區(qū)新河開福寺路,為全國重點開放佛寺之一,湖南省及長沙市佛教協(xié)會均設(shè)于此。開福寺是我國佛教禪宗臨濟宗楊岐派的著名寺院,五代時(896-929)楚王馬殷創(chuàng)建,歷宋、元、明、清各代,數(shù)經(jīng)修繕。寺坐北朝南,占地面積1.6萬平方米,建筑面積6311平方米。有佛殿三進,第一進為三圣殿,第二進為大佛殿(即大雄寶殿),第三進為毗廬殿。東廂有客堂、齋堂、庫房、方丈;西廂為說法堂、禪堂等。大雄寶殿1923年重修,歇山頂,脊吻作龍鳳禽獸飾,四角垂有銅鈴,? ??當風動,鈴聲清脆。正脊中有寶瓶,直落云霄。山門額題“古開福寺”,石聯(lián)“紫微棲鳳,碧浪潛龍”。寺內(nèi)有清康熙、光緒年間石碑各一道。

7. 馬王堆漢墓















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