







北京銀行 京卡·互助服務(wù)卡購北京旅游景點門票優(yōu)惠嗎?























青?;ブ糜尉包c大全介紹「青海互助旅游攻略」 互助旅游景點



1.互助土族故土園 AAAAA


2.互助北山國家森林公園 AAAA


3.撒拉族綠色家園 AAAA


4.互助土族風(fēng)情游覽區(qū) AAAA


5.峽群寺森林公園 AAA













互助土族自治縣位于青海省東北部,地處青藏高原與黃土高原結(jié)合部,獨特的地理位置,使這里形成了獨特的自然景觀,另外,這里是全國唯一的土族自治縣,土族,這個古老的民族世代在這里繁衍生息,使這里形成了獨特的人文景觀。這些獨特的自然景觀和人文景觀吸引了眾多中外游客前來觀光旅游。旅游業(yè),作為一種新興產(chǎn)業(yè),正在蓬勃發(fā)展,基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè)不斷加強(qiáng),游客人數(shù)逐年增加。2001年,互助土族故土園被國家旅游局評定為AAAA級旅游區(qū)。 土族地區(qū)有不少名勝古跡。景點主要有:互助五峰山、大通寶庫峽、民和娘娘天池、蓮花臺、七里藥泉、同仁溫泉等。土族的吉祥物是彩虹。每逢佳節(jié)盛會,飄袖舞虹,融入天人合一、福祥長臻的境界。因而,土族被喻為“彩虹民族”,土族地區(qū)素稱“彩虹之鄉(xiāng)”。 北山國家森林公園:位于互助土族自治縣東北部的青石嶺和冷龍嶺之間,距自治縣首府70公里,距西寧市110公里。森林公園內(nèi)植物資源有千余種,已定名的高等植物有981種,被譽(yù)為“青海高原上的植物王國”。主要樹種有青海云杉、油松、祁連圓柏、楊樹、樺樹等。灌木有小檗、忍冬、薔薇、衛(wèi)茅、枸杞、沙棘、金露梅、杜鵑等,其中有許多珍貴著名的花卉。公園內(nèi)林間草叢中棲息著190余種野生動物,其中獸類42種,鳥類139種,魚類14種,列入國家一、二類野生保護(hù)動物的有35種,如狍鹿、猞猁、棕熊、巖羊、麝、水獺、狐貍、雪豹、馬鹿藍(lán)馬雞、雪雞、環(huán)頸雉、石雞、金雕等珍禽異獸。森林公園由元甫達(dá)坂、浪士當(dāng)、卡索峽,扎隆溝和下河峽五個景區(qū)組成。旅游區(qū)內(nèi)有古剎天堂寺和甘禪寺。天堂寺有千余年的歷史,其學(xué)風(fēng)嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),文物收藏頗豐,為西北地區(qū)名寺之一。旅游區(qū)內(nèi)旅游服務(wù)設(shè)施齊全,是消夏度假、休憩療養(yǎng)的理想之地。 佑寧寺:原名郭隆寺,位于互助土族自治縣東南龍王山南麓,距縣城30公里,距西寧市60公里。始建于明萬歷三十二年(公元1604年),在歷史上曾涌現(xiàn)出大批在海內(nèi)外享有聲譽(yù)的高僧哲人,被宗教界公認(rèn)為佛學(xué)研究圣地,其影響曾一度超過了塔爾寺。由于它在歷史上的巨大影響,國內(nèi)外信士、游人慕名前來朝覲參觀者絡(luò)繹不絕。山下河谷地帶,居住著民風(fēng)純樸的土族同胞,使宗教文化、自然風(fēng)光與土鄉(xiāng)風(fēng)情融為一體,是青海省一處很有吸引力的旅游風(fēng)景區(qū)。 在縣城威遠(yuǎn)鎮(zhèn)北15公里處,便是南門峽景區(qū),峽口東西兩山對峙, 絕壁千丈,山上林木繁茂,山下溪水淙淙。始建于1973年的南門峽水庫,蓄水量達(dá)1800萬立方米。高峽出平湖,碧波蕩漾,水鳥翔集,游艇穿梭。湖面倒映如黛的遠(yuǎn)山,飄香的菜花,吐穗的青稞,令人留戀忘返。 “五峰煙雨”在清代就被列為湟中八景之一,龍泉飛瀑、青山翠峰是這里的主要特色,每年六月六,五峰山便成了“花兒之?!?,因為這里有一年一度的五峰山花兒會。 白馬寺地處湟水北岸,依崖而建,險峻異常。 互助縣世居著一個勤勞純樸、能歌善舞的民族──土族。土族人在漫長的歷史進(jìn)程中形成了自己獨特的文化。土族婦女的袖子用紅、黃、黑、綠、白等不同顏色拼成,恰似天上彩虹,因此,這里被譽(yù)為“彩虹的故鄉(xiāng)”.


青海十大旅游景區(qū):青海湖 ,塔爾寺,互助土族故土園,青藏高原野生動物園,二郎劍景區(qū),老爺山,瑪多黃河源旅游區(qū),坎布拉,可可西里景區(qū),結(jié)古寺















西寧市南山旅游風(fēng)景區(qū) AAA

西寧市中國工農(nóng)紅軍西路軍紀(jì)念館 AAA

青??煽晌骼锕I(yè)旅游景區(qū) AAA


西寧市東關(guān)清真大寺 AAA

中華枸杞養(yǎng)生苑 AAA

西寧市紅葉谷休閑生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA

西寧錦熙豐生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA


青海省博物館 AAAA

西寧市青藏高原野生動物園 AAAA

西寧市人民公園 AAAA


浦寧之珠(高原明珠) AAA


青海藏醫(yī)藥文化博物館 AAAA

西寧鄉(xiāng)農(nóng)耕文化生態(tài)園 AAAA


西北驕集團(tuán) AAA


大通老爺山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū) AAAA

大通國家森林公園察汗河景區(qū) AAA

大通國家森林公園鷂子溝景區(qū) AAA

大通娘娘山景區(qū) AAA


湟源丹噶爾古城 AAAA

青海贊普林卡旅游景區(qū) AAA

青海日月山旅游景區(qū) AAA

西寧湟源大黑溝旅游景區(qū) AAA


塔爾寺景區(qū) AAAAA

西寧市青海藏文化館 AAAA

青海多巴國家高原體育訓(xùn)練基地 AAA



平安峽群寺森林公園 AAA


樂都柳灣彩陶旅游景區(qū) AAA

樂都區(qū)河湟碑林景區(qū) AAA

樂都區(qū)農(nóng)業(yè)示范園旅游景區(qū) AA

樂都區(qū)楊宗林場旅游區(qū) AA

石溝寺景區(qū) AA

水峽景區(qū) AA

藥草臺景區(qū) AA

上北山省級森林公園 AA

九寺掌旅游景區(qū) AA


民和藥泉山旅游景區(qū) AAA

和縣七里寺景區(qū) AAA

民和縣金三川民俗風(fēng)情游覽區(qū) AAA

民和縣本康灘自然風(fēng)景區(qū) AAA

民和縣天井峽-松山原始森林風(fēng)景區(qū) AA


化隆夏瓊寺 AAA

化隆縣雄先崗山生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AA

化隆縣阿河灘薩拉民俗村 AA

黃河第一灣景區(qū) AA


互助土族故土園旅游區(qū) AAAAA


循化撒拉族綠色家園 AAAA



龍羊峽旅游景區(qū) AAA

共和縣千卜錄寺藏傳佛教文化民俗旅游景區(qū) AAA


貴德高原養(yǎng)生休閑度假區(qū) AAAA

貴德黃河奇石苑 AAA


興海賽宗寺文化旅游區(qū) AAA

興??h圖旦達(dá)杰民俗文化旅游景區(qū) AAA


同德石藏文化旅游區(qū) AA



金銀灘景區(qū) AAAA


門源百里油菜花海景區(qū) AAAA


祁連風(fēng)光旅游景區(qū) AAAA



熱貢國家級歷史文化名城旅游區(qū) AAAA


坎布拉景區(qū) AAAA


河南縣瀞渡工業(yè)旅游景區(qū) AAA


澤庫縣麥秀國家森林公園 AA

阿尼格日佛景區(qū) AA



格爾木昆侖文化旅游區(qū) AAAA


可魯克湖—托素湖原生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA


青海大漠紅枸杞工業(yè)旅游景區(qū) AAA

都蘭縣海寺花海景區(qū) AA


烏蘭縣金子海風(fēng)景區(qū) AAA

烏蘭縣哈里哈圖國家森林公園 AA


天峻縣神湖之源旅游風(fēng)景區(qū) AAA



玉樹隆寶灘旅游景區(qū) AAA

玉樹新寨嘉那嘛呢 AAA

勒巴溝文成公主廟景區(qū) AAA

玉樹當(dāng)卡寺旅游景 AAA

區(qū)玉樹結(jié)古寺旅游景區(qū) AAAA


囊謙縣尕爾寺大峽谷生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA

囊謙縣達(dá)那河谷生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA

囊謙縣達(dá)那河谷生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA


玉樹稱多拉布民俗村 AAAA

稱多縣尕朵覺悟神山旅游景區(qū) AAA

玉樹稱多賽巴寺旅游景區(qū) AA


治多縣貢薩寺旅游景區(qū) AAA



阿尼瑪卿雪山旅游景區(qū) AAA

沁縣喇日寺格薩爾文化產(chǎn)業(yè)園旅游景區(qū) AAA

拉加寺旅游景區(qū) AAA


久治年寶玉則景區(qū) AAAA

久治白玉旅游景區(qū) AAA

久治縣德合龍寺景區(qū) AAA


瑪多河源旅游區(qū) AAAA

星星海生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA

東格措鈉湖生態(tài)旅游區(qū) AAA


獅龍宮殿旅游景區(qū) AAA

格薩爾林卡旅游景區(qū) AAA

查朗寺旅游景區(qū) AAA


瑪柯河原始森林生態(tài)旅游景區(qū) AAA

白扎寺旅游景區(qū) AAA

多尕麻格薩爾王蓮花圣殿旅游景區(qū) AAA


官倉峽旅游景區(qū) AAA

龍恩寺—德爾文格薩爾文化史詩村旅游景區(qū) AAA

甘德縣直尕兒風(fēng)景區(qū) AA


青海湖風(fēng)景區(qū) AAAAA


Day1 西寧集合


如果時間較早,領(lǐng)隊會帶領(lǐng)大家進(jìn)行市區(qū)探索,city walk。















DAY7 神秘?zé)崛p色河—水上雅丹




圖 / 嵩山老猴

DAY8 水上雅丹—格爾


DAY9 格爾木-可可西里-格爾木





青?;ブ糜尉包c大全介紹英語(青海之旅的英文) 互助旅游景點






4、青?;ブ?a href='/jiading/' target=_blank>嘉定國家地質(zhì)公園:位于青海省互助土族自治縣北部,祁連山東端,大通河中下游,地處甘青兩省交界處,距縣城威遠(yuǎn)鎮(zhèn)78km,距省會西寧市110km,距甘肅省省會蘭州市220km,威北、青崗公路貫穿園區(qū),園內(nèi)旅游支線與主干公路相通,交通便利。1992年被原國家林業(yè)部批準(zhǔn)為國家級森林公園,2000年被評為“4A”級旅游風(fēng)景區(qū)

5、佑寧寺:位于互助土族自治縣東南五十鄉(xiāng)境內(nèi),距西寧50公里,是青海較大的藏傳佛教寺院,號稱“湟水北岸諸寺之母”。該寺由三世0授記,四世0和四世班禪指派西藏第七世嘉色-在當(dāng)?shù)赝痢?a href='/menggu/' target=_blank>蒙古、藏族頭人協(xié)助下,于明萬歷三十二年(1604年)修建,海拔2500多米,占地面積6公頃,有殿堂7座。因地處郭隆地區(qū),故又稱“郭隆寺”。



My home is in Qinghai, where he will see the blue sky clear water, you will feel the beauty of the Tibetan Plateau. Where there is a salt lake - that is the Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake is a famous tourist place. This is my beautiful home of Qinghai


Qing Lake travels the view orders

The lake of Qing Lake

The lake of Qing Lake locates the northeast of Qing Lake, being apart from the provincial capital west rather the municipal is 151 kilometers of, a long more than 360 kilometers, the area is 4635 square kilometers of, is a biggest inland in our country salt water lake.Lake elevation 3195 rice, contain salt degree as 6 ‰ , the average water is deep 19 rices are above, the most deep place amount to 30 rice.There is bird island, sea heart mountain, sea west mountain, three pieces of 石s in the lake with sand island, the brilliant sunlight is next, the rape flower one that wreath lake bloom is golden, flock of sheep resemble a white cloud in green shade,such as the steppe of the 毯 , afloat, all was filled with the poetry the painting the idea everywhere. Travel extensively steppe, high mountain, lake, sand dune, hear the high song in woman in herding, view sunrise sunset, make visitor infatuating with in the great universe of pleasing.Set up the cashier guest house here, receive the facilities perfect, stay it place contain 篝 fire evening party, the visitor can enjoy fully the excellent hiding the song and dance of 族 beautifully.

Tower 爾 temple

The tower 爾 temple building hides the language calls the " this wise the wood of 巴 in袞 ", meaning 100,000 statue of Buddha 彌勒 continent.It locates at in Qing Lake province 湟 the lotus mountain 坳 inside of the southwest corner in sand 爾 in魯 in county, according to provincial capital west rather the municipal is 26 kilometers of, is naissance ground that our country hide to spread the 佛 teach space 魯 parties( be so called the Shamanism) how to initiate the person a 喀巴 master, and also is to hide the area Huang teach the one of the six greatest monasteries.

The tower 爾 temple starts to set up in 1379, have been apart from now for more than 600 years, occupy the ground accumulate a more than 600 acre, monastery building is distributed in lotus mountain of a the ditch both sides 坡 is last, high and low mistake in宇 in殿 fall, handing over to reflect mutually, strong view in vehemence.Locate the central and big gold in temple tile 殿 , green wall gold tile, brilliant and glorious, the main building that is that temple, it with small gold tile 殿 ( 護(hù) method sanctuary), big through hall, 彌勒殿 , release the 迦殿 , according to 詁殿 , text 殊 bodhisattva 殿 , year in祈殿 ( flower temple), big pull to let temple( good luck temple), four big through 院 ( show through 院 , esoteric doctrine through 院 , cure clear through 院 , ten round through 院 ) with 酥 oil flower 院 , do the absolute being dance the 院 , living Buddha official residence, such as come eight tower, bodhi tower, pass by door the tower, hour a tower, the 僧 gives up the etc. building became mistake fall with the result that, set up careful, the style is special, gathering 漢 is hidden the technique in integral whole of grand building cluster.The statue of Buddha shape inside the 殿 is vivid and beautiful, detached sacred.The lifelike the oil of 酥 spends, colorful mural in麗 in絢 with color bright a 繡 drive 譽(yù) is" tower 爾 temple art three unique", the temple inside still collected as treasure many 佛s teach the 典籍 with the history, literature, philosophy, medicine, the scholarship 專著 of lawmaking etc..佛 matter activity held annually" four greatest methods meeting" also noisy uncommon, visitor,such as tide,.

In 1961 on March 4, State Department announcement that temple is a national point cultural object protection unit, the system stone tablet book 漢 hides two kinds of writings, keep both in temple inside.Middle of 90's of 20 centuries, was repaired by national many appropriation, make ancient temple feature had a brand-new look.The tower 爾 temple of now is already a famous spot for domestic and internationally hiding spreading 佛 teaching holy land with traveling ancient temple.

Such as come eight towe r

The tower 爾 temple square inside 矗立 has tidy beautiful a glimmer of eight such as come to pagoda, with glorification Gautama whole life eight greatest contribution.Set up in 1776.( pure Qianlong's 41 years)These eight towers from east to west is:The tower of 蓮聚 ;( memorial Gautama is born current walking seven step, open a lotus at every step)Bodhi tower;( memorial Gautama practices moral teachings positive 覺 )Four the tower of 諦 ;( memorial Gautama's beginning turns four 諦 method round)The absolute being changes the tower;( all kinds miracles for memorial Gautama to subdue evil)Decline any tower;( memorial Gautama returns the human life from the hall of the day)The tower of 息諍 ;( memorial Gautama advises the point of dispute of the buddhist monk of 息諸 )Victory tower;( memorial Gautama war 勝 the whole devils)The tower of 涅磐 .( memorial Gautama into 涅磐 , do not living the immortalization)Such as come eight long 9:4 rice, bottom an area 5:7 square meter.

Big through hall

It is big to was hidden by hall( show a through 院 ) the language be so called" from work properly many live", locate the big gold tile 殿 right ahead, is a monkish gift in this temple 佛 , 頌 through of gathering and matching place.Start to set up in 1612.( clear ten thousand 42 years of 歷ss)Original for 30 pillars son of small after hall, change to set up for 80 pillars son medium-sized through the hall, finally in the 1776 extension 168 pillars son(60 among those rootses are in fourth wall walls) of two even a hide type building in layers.The 1912( first year in republic) catches fire to burn down suddenly, at fill many a 資 for calling the living Buddha of 嘉措s help the bottom, using two years half time, rebuilding according to the original kind.Building area is 2750 square meter, week long for 210 rice. Was had by 108 pillars sub- upper part 雕 of an inside 矗立 beautiful pattern, round the color woolen blanket of the 裹蟠 dragon pattern on the pillar.The ground establishes long a 禪 , ascend to spread the multicolored a 毯 , provide the 喇 collective 頌 through hour use.Color the pillars, the arch of 斗 , the well of 藻 teaches the story mural with the 佛 , hanging the drapery of 帷 , through cloth, 幢 , 幡 , umbrella cover, embroidery with a 繡 etc..An inside four provide thousand made of copper the statue of Buddha of 鎦 golds of a 喀巴 in wall shrines, two sides was deposited by tree with 100 account of through book.Establish to reach to depend on face to face, Panchan Lama with the 弘 magic weapon of the method set.The house crest puts the high and big the copper of 鎦 gold in every kind of through the 幢 , 剎 type treasure bottle, a clock, pagoda, method round, gold deer etc., was decorated by hall big magnificent, brilliant, hand over with big gold tile 殿 to reflect mutually.It is big to is also this temple to show through the hall through 院 , hide the language calls the " three 尼札倉s", ising a research to show learns doctrinally Ministry of Economic Affairs door.Cultivate primarily five clear reason, analysis, argue the method mutually of talk point.Establish many 仁s 巴 ( show to teach the Doctor) academic degree, give to the doctrine that cultivate monk contain deep scholastic attainment.

It is big to pull to let temple( good luck temple)

It is big to pull to let( call the firm west 康 sand again), setting up in 1650.( pure follow to cure seven years)Is bedchamber that an official residence for fourth pillars third entering courtyard hide type building, for reach to depend on, Panchan Lama and successive holder method sets rest, the Chinese language calls the " good luck temple".1777( pure Qianlong's 42 years), the artificial this temple in parties in emperor in隆 in乾 fixed to set up the temple wall, the door of 華 , memorial arch etc., combine to grant the a" the temple of 永慧 ".The good luck temple locates the west mountain half waist eminence, taking a distant look before temple, the tower 爾 temple panorama does to acce pt the eye bottom.

Tower 爾 temple method meeting

The method understands for orison, is a kind of religious 佛 matter activity.The tower 爾 temple holds annually four times large method would with two small scaled method meeting.In the four greatest methods session, the most solemn and impressive and grand 佛 matter activity is" jump the absolute being"," bask the big 佛 " with large 酥 oil flower show.

The 14 noons : lunar calendar January jumps the gold just the 怖 fears the 護(hù) method dance

Lunar calendar January 15 hold the bath 佛 in the morning( 酥 oil flower show)

The large 酥 in 10 5 eveningses in lunar calendar January oil decorative lantern exhibits

The 14 noons : April in lunar calendar jumps the gold just the 怖 fears the 護(hù) method dance

April in lunar calendar 15 bask the big 佛 in the morning

April in lunar calendar 15 afternoons vault a gold is just the 護(hù) method dance

The beginning of June of lunar calendar seven bask the big 佛 in the morning

The beginning of June of lunar calendar seven jump the gold in the afternoon just the 怖 fears the 護(hù) method dance

The beginning of June of lunar calendar eight turn in the morning through the 佛 ( turn for a week in outer circle in monastery)

The beginning of June of lunar calendar eight afternoon the vault a gold is just the 護(hù) method dance

September in lunar calendar 22 whole days open all 佛s 殿 worships Buddha

September in lunar calendar 23 noon a vault a golds are just the 護(hù) method dance

Jump the absolute being

Jumping the absolute being( do method king's dance namely) is a 佛 matter activity that a kind of background music dance the form.Pure 57 years of 康熙s(1718 of A.D.), hour of tower 爾 temple the 20th method pedestal 嘉堪 cloth, seven a life times reach to depend on to suggest:" must establish a jumps the absolute being 院 , from dance the teacher teach 習(xí) how to dance the music, combining to establish to jump the absolute being system".Give the text 武護(hù) method mask at the same time 39 pairs and dance dress with method machine etc.. Established from now on the hour of four greatest methods meeting hold to jump the absolute being( namely jump the hole) activity jumps the absolute being 院 .( be so called the agency fire 院 )Its meaning is When the 佛 follower of a religion cultivation execute, for dissolve inside, outside, 密 three aspect of evil see, 逆緣 , exterminate the bane 佛 teach with the heterodox doctrines of the follower of a religion of 佛 , passing to do the 護(hù) method absolute being dance to release the solution then.Jump the absolute being contents, the aspect of the 武 contain male warrior dance, woman warrior dance, male 怒 absolute being dance, woman 怒 absolute being dance;The aspect of the text has with the dance of 靜 , teaching the inside dance, the 密 curses the dance, with single mind sex dance;Take offense aspect contain tiny 怒 absolute being dance, very 怒 absolute being dance etc., have the 360 kinds of dancing totally.

Bask the big 佛

Bask the big 佛 , lunar calendar in every year four, June two method meeting hour hold.The meaning livings for memorial Gautama's 誕 , way, the 涅磐 is born with the 彌勒 and the 喀巴 bears, 涅磐 ; pass to bask the 佛 lets followers 瞻仰 statue of Buddha, 沐 bath 佛 boon, and defend the statue of Buddha encounter the 蛀 .The tower 爾 temple has" the lion roars the "," Gautama the "," a 喀巴 "," gold just 薩捶 " four kinds of huge big a 繡 statue of Buddhas, insolate only each time a kind of, on the monastery slope the exhibition basks.Bask the rites of 佛 very solemn and impressive, the audience is maximum amount, becoming the strong view.

Tower 爾 temple three unique

The oil of 酥 of the tower 爾 temple spends, mural with a 繡 drive 譽(yù) is" art three unique", went to Qing Lake, do not go to tower 爾 temple is regret;Went to the tower 爾 temple, do not see" three unique" more sorry!


The mural is each 殿宇 the painting on the wall.Draw mostly on the cloth drapery, also have to draw directly is last with the pillars in the wall.The mural pigment adopts the quality mineral, fresh 艷 in color, through long constant.The mural belongs to the 喇 the Pope teaches to draw the department, different from the 漢 draws somely, have to print to hide the taste heavyly.The mural contents gets material from mostly the Buddhist sutra Shamanism 諸密 multiplies by the classic.The painting details belongs to the Shamanism contents, the person is much mainer to belong to the 密 multiplies by the doctrine.Whole appearance conceives outline skillful, arrange the 適 however, the tone is harmonious, choiceness fine and delicate, the level of structure is clear, thousand 資 100 態(tài) , the 栩 livings.

酥 oil statue of Buddha

The 酥 oil flower is to uses the oil of 酥 ( the butter that handicraft make into) each color of gangplank pigment but the oil 塑 art article that make into.It is rumored 酥 oil the flower comes from Tibet. Tang's text princess and soil 蕃 king the pine 贊 fucks When the cloth unite in marriage, once from take a statue of Buddha oblation Chang-an in pull big 昭 in薩 temple.Strict and cold winter, have no the fresh flowers dedicate the 佛 , follower for meaning the esteem, make into the flower with the oil of 酥 , oblation in statue of Buddha front.From now on and mutually along hide clansmen the people's custom.In 1594, the 酥 oil flower spread to the tower 爾 temple, delving into with patience through the temple's 藝僧 , making its had the new development in a material with the craft, become a kind of superb oil 塑 art that tower 爾 temple possess singly.Annually lunar calendar January 15 hour of light stanza, the oil of 酥 that 藝僧 will elaborate spends to exhibitmidnight in temple, grand occasion inside the temple becoming once a year.Millionsly each ethnicity from all directions 眾 with Chinese and Foreign visitor, face the wonderful and bright the oil of 酥 spend, being full of praise, indulging in pleasure forget to go home.

A 繡

A 繡 is a tower 爾 temple to design specially of hide the one of the 族 art specieses.It shears with the silk ans stain of each color an every kind of shape for needing, such as statue of Buddha, person flower, bird 獸 etc., is substantial with the type of the wool or cotton among them, again 繡 is on the cloth drapery, because of in the center the 突 rises, having the obviously stereoscopic feeling.This temple is big to was hanged by an inside"18 漢 " etc. a 繡 art product.A 繡 includes the embroidery with shear a heap of two kinds of, the much bigger source in topic in its contents teaches the story in the 佛 to live the etc. with the religion, the creation is fine, the pattern is interesting and novel, the image is vivid, complicated and strange and unique, the traditional art that is this temple to design specially, is the masterpiece of the monkish art, call for the art field way.

Three river source

National forestry bureau, Qing Lake province people government decision on August 19 by the side of big bridge in all-powerful river solemn and impressive hold three rivers derive from however sanctuary 立 stone tablet.Jiang Zeming's writes stone tablet, the cloth 赫 wrote the stone tablet records.That sanctuary is an our country area biggest, the elevation is tallest natural distributing the area with living creature variety wetly.

The long river, yellow river, the river of 瀾滄 all rises in Qing Lake inshore, these three estuarine sources head is apart from mutually very near.

Ten thousand Yangtze River rises in the main 峰 that Tang's thou pull mountain range the each pulling the lateral and big glacier in southeast of the 丹 , the 綿亙 is several ten in of ice tower wood, as if a crystal ridges and peaks, thousand 姿 100 態(tài) , the landscape is attractive.

The billowing yellow river rises in the day in card song river val ley that 巴顏喀 pull north 麓 in mountain with the roughly ancient a row basin, source a lake, small river numerous and densely spread out, the grass of water is plentiful beautiful, even sublime.

Firm west in a fruit in source in river in滄 in瀾 pool.Here beautiful scenery 10000 1000, cent outside charming

Tang's thou pulls the mountain pass

" Tang's thou pulls", hide the language" the mountain on the plateau", because of whole year round raging snowstorm, allege" breeze snow warehouse".It is a Qing Lake for that boundary that Tang's thou pull with Tibet, elevation 5231 rice, the mountain pass sets up monument and marking stone tablets, hiding along the 青 the highway enter Tibet and necessarily through.


阿尼瑪卿峰 , call the 瑪 accumulated snow mountain or day in崗 in卿 in瑪 again, elevation 6282 rice, the main 峰 that is a 昆侖 mountain department a vein 阿尼瑪卿 mountain, locate the fruit 洛 state 瑪 the 沁 County northwest an one of ten greatest mountain peakses for, is our country outward openningses.

阿尼瑪卿峰 , mountain power 巍峨 pound 礴 .The mountain be constituted by sand rock, limestone and granites, being constituted by 13 mountain peaks.Average elevation 5900 rices are above, tallest a calls" the 瑪沁 protects the wood


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