

導(dǎo)讀:拉薩五一旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英文(拉薩景點(diǎn)英語) 把拉薩的簡(jiǎn)介翻譯成英語 西藏的英文介紹急啊 五一拉薩旅游景點(diǎn)介紹 介紹布達(dá)拉宮的英文介紹簡(jiǎn)短? 大昭寺英文介紹及翻譯


As the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region in Lhasa, is one of a 1300 history ancient city. Lhasa at the north bank of the Yarlung Zangbo River tributaries, longitude 91 ° 06 'E, 29 ° 36', elevation over 3,650 meters.

Lhasa City have seven counties and one district (Chengguan District). The city's total area of nearly 30,000 square kilometers, the urban area of 59 square kilometers. The city's total population of nearly 55 million, of which the urban population of nearly 270,000, Tibetan, Han, Hui, and other 31 ethnic groups, the Tibetan population accounts for 87 percent.

"Lhasa" in the Tibetan language with the "Holy Land" or "Buddha" means, for a long time that Tibet's political, economic, cultural, religious centers, gilded, majestic and magnificent Potala Palace, the supremacy of politics and religion is the regime symbol. As early as the seventh century AD,SONGTSAN GAMBO annexation of neighboring tribes, unified Tibet, from Ya Long capital relocation logic Pose (that is today's Lhasa), the establishment of Tubo Dynasty.

On May 23, 1951, the peaceful liberation of Tibet, Lhasa City entered a new era. In 1960, the State Council officially approved Lhasa cities at prefectural level, 1982 will be the first batch of its announcement of 24 countries of the historical and cultural city.

Lhasa previously called "Anger Savimbi," Tibetan "goat" said "Anger" and "territories" that "Savimbi" Legend has it that in the seventh century Tang Princess married into Tubo, the grassland here is a beach, for the construction after the Jokhang Temple and Ramogia Monastery soil filled with goat back sleeper Tong, the temple completed, the monks to preach to people worshiping Buddha and more people around the Jokhang Temple built around it has a lot of hotels and residential housing, formed with the Jokhang Temple as the center of the old city to take shape. At the same time SONGTSAN GAMBO Also at the Hongshan expansion palace (that is the Potala Palace today), therefore, Lhasa valley plains gradually built palaces, prominent Chinese and foreign cities from the plateau formed. "Anger Savimbi" gradually turned into people's hearts in the "Holy Land", as the then Tibetan religious, political, economic, and cultural center. In most people's minds, Lhasa is the Potala Palace, the Eight Corner Street, and the Jokhang Monastery, Sera, Drepung monastery in Lhasa River and consisting of, but Tibetans believe that the strict sense "Lhasa" is referring to the Jokhang Temple and around the Jokhang Temple and the street was built up, only to the Jokhang Temple and the street was, to be a real Lhasa. Now the Lhasa area east of the city still maintains the essence of the ancient city of Lhasa.

The Potala Palace and the street was the center of Lhasa Metro North to the Sera Temple, west Doilungdeqen county. Look at the Lhasa City, post and telecommunications building, the news building, the Lhasa Hotel, Tibet guesthouses and colored buildings spread all over each other and the Senate wrong, continuous series, a new-hui. On top of overlooking the Potala Palace in Lhasa City, the urban area of Lhasa everywhere throughout the film is a tree dragon palace in the new building, but the street was a streamer were flying in the area, the ripple of mulberry smoke. Here, at the very ethnic style of the houses and streets, gathering people from all over the Tibetan Area, many of them are still wearing the traditional costumes of this nation, it seems never-hand turn from the tube and rosary clearly shows that Buddhism in fact has become a way of life.

Lhasa River Valley alluvial plain is located in the urban areas, is the world's highest-altitude cities. Tilt the terrain from east to west, the climate is semi-arid plateau temperate monsoon climate zones. The Sunshine hours 3000 hours more, therefore, "Sunlight City" reputation. The annual precipitation is 200-510 mm, concentrated in 6-9 months, and more night rain, as the rainy season. Maximum temperature 28 ° C, the minimum temperature of minus 14 ° C. Thin air, the temperature low, the temperature, dry winter and spring, and more windy. The frost-free period 100 to 120 days.


China's southwest, is known as the world. The ridge, population about 2800000 area more than 120 square justice, capital Lhasa, known as the highest city in the world, there are seven hundred DuoNian long history, beautiful scenery, there are many places of interest, such as the potala palace. In the political, economic and cultural, make great progress





納木措位于西藏中部,是中國第二大的咸水湖,世界上海拔最高的大型湖泊。 納木措的形狀像靜臥的金剛度母,湖的南面有烏龜梁、孔雀梁等18道梁,湖的北面有黃鴨島、鵬鳥島等18個(gè)島。 湖的四面建有4座寺廟,即東有扎西多波切寺,南有古爾瓊白瑪寺,西有多加寺,北有恰妥寺,象征著佛教上所說的慍、怒、權(quán)、勢(shì)。




大昭寺位于拉薩市中心,又名“祖拉康”、“覺康”(藏語意為佛殿)。始建于唐貞觀21年,是藏王松贊干布為紀(jì)念尺尊公主入藏而建 大昭寺是西藏現(xiàn)存最輝煌的吐蕃時(shí)期的建筑,也是西藏最早的土木結(jié)構(gòu)建筑,并且開創(chuàng)了藏式平川式的寺廟市局規(guī)式。


地址: 西藏自治區(qū)拉薩市城關(guān)區(qū)八角街


藏名“夾波日”,意為“山角之山”,在布達(dá)拉宮右側(cè),海拔3725米。因與布達(dá)拉宮咫尺相對(duì),其半山腰是拍攝布達(dá)拉宮最好角度的所在地。 藥王山的景點(diǎn)包括了靜觀藥王山白塔、查拉魯普石窟廟、藥王山石刻、道登達(dá)娃和《甘珠爾佛塔等。 藥王山東側(cè)有個(gè)洞窟式的小廟宇即查拉魯普。經(jīng)過一千多年風(fēng)雨,幾經(jīng)興衰,這座拉薩地區(qū)罕見的石窟寺廟至今仍然保存完好。


地址: 西藏自治區(qū)拉薩市城關(guān)區(qū)




地址: 拉薩市郊約8公里的根培烏孜山的'南山坳里


西藏大學(xué)是西藏規(guī)模最大的綜合性大學(xué),已形成涵蓋經(jīng)濟(jì)、法學(xué)、理工、醫(yī)學(xué)等10大學(xué)科門類的學(xué)科體系,辦學(xué)規(guī)模達(dá)到8000人。西藏大學(xué)被確定為國家? ?211工程”重點(diǎn)建設(shè)大學(xué),標(biāo)志著西藏高等教育進(jìn)入到一個(gè)新的發(fā)展階段。




那根拉山口海拔5190米,是跨過念青唐古拉山脈去納木錯(cuò)的山間通道,屬于號(hào)稱生命禁區(qū)的海拔5000米以上的山口。在這里可以眺望納木錯(cuò)。這是一個(gè)景點(diǎn),也是一個(gè)休息點(diǎn)。 山口立了一塊標(biāo)明海拔高度的石碑 山口的瑪尼堆上掛滿了經(jīng)幡。





The Potala Palace,situated on the Mabri Mountain in the northwest of Lhasa,the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region of China。


is the most magnificent building in the world,which integrates palaces, castles and monasteries。It is also the largest and most complete ancient palace complex in Tibet。


The Potala Palace is built on the hill and the buildings are overlapping. It is an outstanding representative of the Tibetan ancient architecture。

It is said to originate from the szzzi Zong Bao. The essence of the ancient Chinese architecture is the landscape pattern of the fifth set of RMB 50 yuan notes。



Jokhang Temple, also known as "Zula Kang", "sleep health" (Tibetan word for Buddha), located in the old city center of Lhasa, is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery, built in the Tang Dynasty twenty-one years (AD 647 years ), it is built Zao Gambo, Lhasa reason why the "Holy Land" reputation, and this statue related. Temple was originally called "Jalan Sa" Sa Jalan later became the city's name, and evolved into the current of "Lhasa." After the completion of the Jokhang Temple, after the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties repeated modification and expansion, before the formation of today's size.

Jokhang Temple has 1300 years of history, it has a supreme position in Tibetan Buddhism. Jokhang Temple, Tibet's most glorious Tubo period the existing building, is the oldest civil structure construction in Tibet, and created a style of Tibetan Hirakawa temple PUC regulation formula.

Jokhang Temple in the center of the ring of Sakyamuni Buddha in a circle called "capsule profile", the ring around the Jokhang Temple facades called "Barkhor," outside the Jokhang Temple streets radiate out called "Barkhor" that Barkhor . Jokhang Temple in the center, the Potala Palace, Chakpori, Ramoche included a large circle called "Lin Kuo." This is from the inside to the outside of the three ring, is turning ceremony Tibetans line route.

Jokhang Temple Tibetan Fusion, Tang, Nepal, India's architectural style, become eternal example of Tibetan religious architecture.

Temple incense-filled day, devout believers bow down in front of the bluestone floor left a deep impression, etc. length header. Ten thousand butter lamps Chang-ming, leaving traces of the years and pilgrims.







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