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科洛塞競技場(chǎng)(Piazza del Colosseo)




圣馬可廣場(chǎng),(Piazza del san.marco)被譽(yù)為最浪漫的廣場(chǎng),鴿子是這里最大的特色





貢多拉,相傳以前的船夫都是又年輕又帥氣的小伙子,邊劃船還邊唱著情歌;現(xiàn)在當(dāng)然不是了~~ 另外,貢多拉是威尼斯最貴的交通工具,除非你的錢多的可以拿來燒,否則,象征式地坐坐就可以了……

Italy famous scenic spots

Ke Luose Arena (Piazza del Colosseo)

Ke Luose Arena (also translated the Roman Colosseum) Roman times is the greatest one of the building, but also to preserve the best of an amphitheater. Venice is located in the south-east of the square. Colosseum is one of the world's eight major attractions, but also a symbol of the Roman Empire. The huge open-air theater called Flavio Theater, as it is by Flavio's family, several of the construction of the emperor. In general, Keluo Se known. Colosseum look like a huge bunker, covers an area of 20,000 square meters, 527 meters perimeter wall with a diameter of 188 meters, 57 meters high wall, which is equivalent to a 19-story modern building height, site could be 107,000 spectators. Like all Roman architecture, the basic structure of the arch structure, a series of humps, coupons and appropriate arrangements for the oval-shaped building components so that the whole building is extremely strong. This is the time to use animal fighting, the British sports, horse racing, theater and cabaret venue. The majestic architecture of the building can be a model. Construction is in a concave on the floor of the magnificent building. Nero era, this is Nero Au Kam-din in the garden of a man-made lake.

Venice (Venezia)

Not only unique gently in the world, there is no lack of history of the Mediterranean's most elegant landscape, the East-West bridge. This was built in the 5th century the world-famous city is located in the north-east Italy, about 4 km from the mainland, the lake is located in Venice, about 118 large and small islands. More than 150 articles and canals criss-crossing 400 bridges, 118 of this island into a city as a whole. Venice looks unique and unparalleled wealth of art treasures, making it the world's most attractive tourist cities. Venice can not be separated from the United States and the green green water and rickety boats, but can not be separated from the magnificent classical buildings. Piazza San Marco to look around the stands, vertical and horizontal streets here into the embodiment of the winding canals; ordinary city streets and unhindered access of vehicles into the boat here. Here's one for every small waterways, streets, small churches and small square is the scenery, but also a record Shuicheng splendid culture and history.

Piazza San Marco, (Piazza del san.marco) as the most romantic squares, pigeons here is the greatest feature

Bridge of Sighs, Bridge of Sighs connecting the two buildings are the courts and prisons; In general, people enter the prison will not go out alive, and the Bridge of Sighs became the last of their only place to see the sun, After prisoners here will be sent to Buzi Jin A Sigh, with the passage of time, the sigh sigh on a "Bridge of Sighs" ... ...

Governor's Palace of the Republic of Venice during the highest organ of state power; pink marble wall, a row of sharp-arch and identified four flower-round window, typical of the Gothic style.

St. Mark's Cathedral, a strong Byzantine style, traditionally used to worship is the author of the Gospel of St. Mark's Church; San Marco, the patron saint of Venice, however, the marker is a lion, the lion of Venice is also a marker.

St. Mark's Cathedral on b oth sides of the old and new Executive Mansion, on the first floor is now mostly used as a coffee shop; the most famous is the Florian Cafe, is said to Hemingway, Byron often hang around here; of course, the coffee here is the whole Italy Expensive ~ ~

Gondola, the boatmen Legend has it that before they were young and handsome young man, boating while also singing love songs; now, of course, is not a ~ ~ In addition, Venice gondola is the most expensive means of transport, unless your money The burning can be used, or a token will be able to sit up ... ...

急急急 請(qǐng)根據(jù)提示 寫一篇100字左右的介紹歐洲古都羅馬城的英語短文。

Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi). The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.

Rome constitutes one of Italy's 8,101 communes, and is the largest both in terms of land area and population. It is governed by a mayor, currently Gianni Alemanno, and a city council. The seat of the commune is the Palazzo Senatorio on the Capitoline Hill.


競技場(chǎng) (The Colosseum or Coliseum)

The Colosseum or Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire. It is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and engineering.

Occupying a site just east of the Roman Forum, its construction started between 70 and 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and was completed in 80 AD under Titus, with further modifications being made during Domitian's reign (81–96).[1] The name "Amphitheatrum Flavium" derives from both Vespasian's and Titus' family name ("Flavius, from the gens Flavia).

Originally capable of seating around 50,000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles. It remained in use for nearly 500 years with the last recorded games being held there as late as the 6th century – well after the traditional date of the fall of Rome in 476. As well as the traditional gladiatorial games, many other public spectacles were held there, such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of famous battles, and dramas based on Classical mythology. The building eventually ceased to be used for entertainment in the early medieval era. It was later reused for such varied purposes as housing, workshops, quarters for a religious order, a fortress, a quarry and a Christian shrine.

Although it is now in a ruined condition due to damage caused by earthquakes and stone-robbers, the Colosseum has long been seen as an iconic symbol of Imperial Rome. Today it is one of modern Rome's most popular tourist attractions and still has close connections with the Roman Catholic Church, as each Good Friday the Pope leads a torchlit "Way of the Cross" procession to the amphitheatre.

The Colosseum is also depicted on the Italian version of the five euro-cent coin.

The Colosseum's original Latin name was Amphitheatrum Flavium, often anglicized as Flavian Amphitheater. The building was constructed by emperors of the Flavian dynasty, hence its original name.[2] This name is still used frequently in modern English, but it is generally unknown.

The name Colosseum has long been believed to be derived from a colossal statue of Nero nearby.[1] This statue was later remodeled by Nero's successors into the likeness of Helios (Sol) or Apollo, the sun god, by adding the appropriate solar crown. Nero's head was also replaced several times and substituted with the heads of succeeding emperors. Despite its pagan links, the statue remained standing well into the medieval era and was credited with magical powers. It came to be seen as an iconic symbol of the permanence of Rome.

In the 8th century, the Venerable Bede (c. 672–735) wrote a famous epigram celebrating the symbolic significance of the statue: Quandiu stabit coliseus, stabit et Roma; quando cadit coliseus, cadet et Roma; quando cadet Roma, cadet et mundus ("as long as the Colossus stands, so shall Rome; when the Colossus falls, Rome shall fall; when Rome falls, so falls the world").[3] This is often mistranslated to refer to the Colosseum rather than the Colossus (as in, for instance, Byron's poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage). However, at the time that Bede wrote, the masculine noun coliseus was applied to the statue rather than to what was still known as the Flavian amphitheatre.

The Colossus did eventually fall, probably being pulled down to reuse its bronze. By the year 1000 the name "Colosseum" (a neuter noun) had been coined to refer to the amphitheatre. The statue itself was largely forgotten and only its base survives, situated between the Colosseum and the nearby Temple of Venus and Roma.[4]

The name was further corrupted to Coliseum during the Middle Ages. In Italy, the amphitheatre is still known as il Colosseo, and other Romance languages have come to use similar forms such as le Colisée (French), el Coliseo (Spanish) and o Coliseu (Portuguese).

C onstruction of the Colosseum began under the rule of the Emperor Vespasian[1] in around 70–72. The site chosen was a flat area on the floor of a low valley between the Caelian, Esquiline and Palatine Hills, through which a canalised stream ran. By the 2nd century BC the area was densely inhabited. It was devastated by the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64, following which Nero seized much of the area to add to his personal domain. He built the grandiose Domus Aurea on the site, in front of which he created an artificial lake surrounded by pavillions, gardens and porticoes. The existing Aqua Claudia aqueduct was extended to supply water to the area and the gigantic bronze Colossus of Nero was set up nearby at the entrance to the Domus Aurea.[4]

The area was transformed under Vespasian and his successors. Although the Colossus was preserved, much of the Domus Aurea was torn down. The lake was filled in and the land reused as the location for the new Flavian Amphitheatre. Gladiatorial schools and other support buildings were constructed nearby within the former grounds of the Domus Aurea. According to a reconstructed inscription found on the site, "the emperor Vespasian ordered this new amphitheatre to be erected from his general's share of the booty." This is thought to refer to the vast quantity of treasure seized by the Romans following their victory in the Great Jewish Revolt in 70. The Colosseum can be thus interpreted as a great triumphal monument built in the Roman tradition of celebrating great victories.[4] Vespasian's decision to build the Colosseum on the site of Nero's lake can also be seen as a populist gesture of returning to the people an area of the city which Nero had appropriated for his own use. In contrast to many other amphitheatres, which were located on the outskirts of a city, the Colosseum was constructed in the city centre; in effect, placing it both literally and symbolically at the heart of Rome.

The Colosseum had been completed up to the third story by the time of Vespasian's death in 79. The top level was finished and the building inaugurated by his son, Titus, in 80.[1] Dio Cassius recounts that over 9,000 wild animals were killed during the inaugural games of the amphitheatre. The building was remodelled further under Vespasian's younger son, the newly-designated Emperor Domitian, who constructed the hypogeum, a series of underground tunnels used to house animals and slaves. He also added a gallery to the top of the Colosseum to increase its seating capacity.

In 217, the Colosseum was badly damaged by a major fire (caused by lightning, according to Dio Cassius[5]) which destroyed the wooden upper levels of the amphitheatre's interior. It was not fully repaired until about 240 and underwent further repairs in 250 or 252 and again in 320. An inscription records the restoration of various parts of the Colosseum under Theodosius II and Valentinian III (reigned 425–450), possibly to repair damage caused by a major earthquake in 443; more work followed in 484 and 508. The arena continued to be used for contests well into the 6th century, with gladiatorial fights last mentioned around 435. Animal hunts continued until at least 523.[4]


Map of medieval Rome depicting the ColosseumThe Colosseum underwent several radical changes of use during the medieval period. By the late 6th century a small church had been built into the structure of the amphitheatre, though this apparently did not confer any particular religious significance on the building as a whole. The arena was converted into a cemetery. The numerous vaulted spaces in the arcades under the seating were converted into housing and workshops, and are recorded as still being rented out as late as the 12th century. Around 1200 the Frangipani family took over the Colosseum and fortified it, apparently using it as a castle.

Severe damage was inflicted on the Colosseum by the great earthquake of 1349, causing the outer south side to collapse. Much of the tumbled stone was reused to build palaces, churches, ho spitals and other buildings elsewhere in Rome. A religious order moved into the northern third of the Colosseum in the mid-14th century and continued to inhabit it until as late as the early 19th century. The interior of the amphitheatre was extensively stripped of stone, which was reused elsewhere, or (in the case of the marble facade) was burned to make quicklime.[4] The bronze clamps which held the stonework together were pried or hacked out of the walls, leaving numerous pockmarks which still scar the building today.


The exterior of the Colosseum, showing the partially intact outer wall (left) and the mostly intact inner wall (right)

Original fa?ade of the Colosseum

Entrance LII of the Colosseum, with Roman numerals still visibleUnlike earlier amphitheatres that were built into hillsides, the Colosseum is an entirely free-standing structure. It is elliptical in plan and is 189 metres (615 ft / 640 Roman feet) long, and 156 metres (510 ft / 528 Roman feet) wide, with a base area of 6 acres. The height of the outer wall is 48 metres (157 ft / 165 Roman feet). The perimeter originally measured 545 metres (1,788 ft / 1,835 Roman feet). The central arena is an oval (287 ft) long and (180 ft) wide, surrounded by a wall (15 ft) high, above which rose tiers of seating.

The outer wall is estimated to have required over 100,000 cubic meters (131,000 cu yd) of travertine stone which were set without mortar held together by 300 tons of iron clamps.[4] However, it has suffered extensive damage over the centuries, with large segments having collapsed following earthquakes. The north side of the perimeter wall is still standing; the distinctive triangular brick wedges at each end are modern additions, having been constructed in the early 19th century to shore up the wall. The remainder of the present-day exterior of the Colosseum is in fact the original interior wall.

The surviving part of the outer wall's monumental fa?ade comprises three stories of superimposed arcades surmounted by a podium on which stands a tall attic, both of which are pierced by windows interspersed at regular intervals. The arcades are framed by half-columns of the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders, while the attic is decorated with Corinthian pilasters.[11] Each of the arches in the second- and third-floor arcades framed statues, probably honoring divinities and other figures from Classical mythology.

Two hundred and forty mast corbels were positioned around the top of the attic. They originally supported a retractable awning, known as the velarium, that kept the sun and rain off spectators. This consisted of a canvas-covered, net-like structure made of ropes, with a hole in the center.[1] It covered two-thirds of the arena, and sloped down towards the center to catch the wind and provide a breeze for the audience. Sailors, specially enlisted from the Roman naval headquarters at Misenum and housed in the nearby Castra Misenatium, were used to work the velarium.[12]

The Colosseum's huge crowd capacity made it essential that the venue could be filled or evacuated quickly. Its architects adopted solutions very similar to those used in modern stadiums to deal with the same problem. The amphitheatre was ringed by eighty entrances at ground level, 76 of which were used by ordinary spectators.[1] Each entrance and exit was numbered, as was each staircase. The northern main entrance was reserved for the Roman Emperor and his aides, whilst the other three axial entrances were most likely used by the elite. All four axial entrances were richly decorated with painted stucco reliefs, of which fragments survive. Many of the original outer entrances have disappeared with the collapse of the perimeter wall, but entrances XXIII to LIV still survive.[4]

Spectators were given tickets in the form of numbered pottery shards, which directed them to the appropriate section and row. They accessed their seats via vomitoria (singular vomitorium), passageways that opened into a tier of seats from below or behind. T hese quickly dispersed people into their seats and, upon conclusion of the event or in an emergency evacuation, could permit their exit within only a few minutes. The name vomitoria derived from the Latin word for a rapid discharge, from which English derives the word vomit.


許愿池(Fontana di Trevi)

The Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) is the largest — standing 25.9 meters (85 feet) high and 19.8 meters (65 feet) wide — and most ambitious of the Baroque fountains of Rome. It is located in the rione of Trevi.

The fountain at the juncture of three roads (tre vie) marks the terminal point of the "modern" Acqua Vergine, the revivified Aqua Virgo, one of the ancient aqueducts that supplied water to ancient Rome. In 19 BC, supposedly with the help of a virgin, Roman technicians located a source of pure water some 13 km (8 miles) from the city. (This scene is presented on the present fountain's facade). However, the eventual indirect route of the aqueduct made its length some 22 km (14 miles). This Aqua Virgo led the water into the Baths of Agrippa. It served Rome for more than four hundred years. The "coup de grace" for the urban life of late classical Rome came when the Goth besiegers in 537/38 broke the aqueducts. Medieval Romans were reduced to drawing water from polluted wells and the Tiber River, which was also used as a sewer.

The Roman custom of building a handsome fountain at the endpoint of an aqueduct that brought water to Rome was revived in the fifteenth century, with the Renaissance. In 1453, Pope Nicholas V finished mending the Acqua Vergine aqueduct and built a simple basin, designed by the humanist architect Leon Battista Alberti, to herald the water's arrival.

[edit] The present fountain

[edit] Commission, construction and design

In 1629 Pope Urban VIII, finding the earlier fountain insufficiently dramatic, asked Bernini to sketch possible renovations, but when the Pope died the project was abandoned. Bernini's lasting contribution was to resite the fountain from the other side of the square to face the Quirinal Palace (so the Pope could look down and enjoy it). Though Bernini's project was torn down for Salvi's fountain, there are many Bernini touches in the fountain as it was built. An early, striking and influential model by Pietro da Cortona also exists.

Competitions had become the rage during the Baroque era to design buildings, fountains, and even the Spanish Steps. In 1730 Pope Clement XII organized a contest in which Nicola Salvi initially lost to Alessandro Galilei — but due to the outcry in Rome over the fact that a Florentine won, Salvi was awarded the commission anyway.[1] Work began in 1732, and the fountain was completed in 1762, long after Clement's death, when Pietro Bracci's 'Neptune' was set in the central niche.

Salvi died in 1751, with his work half-finished, but before he went he made sure a stubborn barber's unsightly sign would not spoil the ensemble, hiding it behind a sculpted vase. The Trevi Fountain was finished in 1762 by Giuseppe Pannini, who substituted the present bland allegories for planned sculptures of Agrippa and "Trivia", the Roman virgin.

[edit] Restoration

The fountain was refurbished in 1998; the stonework was scrubbed and the fountain provided with recirculating pumps.

[edit] Iconography

The backdrop for the fountain is the Palazzo Poli, given a new facade with a giant order of Corinthian pilasters that link the two main stories. Taming of the waters is the theme of the gigantic scheme that tumbles forward, mixing water and rockwork, and filling the small square. Tritons guide Neptune's shell chariot, taming seahorses (hippocamps).

In the center is superimposed a robustly modelled triumphal arch. The center niche or exedra framing Neptune has free-standing columns for maximal light-and-shade. In the niches flanking Neptune, Abundance spills water from her urn and Salubrity holds a cup from which a snake drinks. Above, bas reliefs illustrate the Roma n origin of the aqueducts.

The tritons and horses provide symmetrical balance, with the maximum contrast in their mood and poses (by 1730, the rococo is already in full bloom in France and Germany).

[edit] Coin throwing

A traditional legend holds that if visitors throw a coin into the fountain, they are ensured a return to Rome. Among those who are unaware that the "three coins" of Three Coins in the Fountain were thrown by three different individuals, a reported current interpretation is that two coins will ensure a marriage will occur soon, while three coins leads to a divorce. A reported current version of this legend is that it is lucky to throw three coins with one's right hand over one's left shoulder into the Trevi Fountain.

Approximately 3,000 Euros are thrown into the fountain each day and are collected at night. The money has been used to subsidize a supermarket for Rome's needy. However, there are regular attempts to steal coins from the fountain, including some using a magnetized pole.




notre dame de paris, france 法國巴黎圣母院

effiel tower, france 法國艾菲爾鐵塔

arch of triumph, france 法國凱旋門

elysee palace, france 法國愛麗舍宮

louvre, france 法國盧浮宮

kolner dom, koln, germany 德國科隆大教堂

leaning tower of pisa, italy 意大利比薩斜塔

colosseum in rome, italy 意大利古羅馬圓形劇場(chǎng)

venice, italy 意大利威尼斯

parthenon, greece 希臘巴臺(tái)農(nóng)神廟

red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科紅場(chǎng)

big ben in london, england 英國倫敦大笨鐘

buckingham palace, england 白金漢宮

hyde park, england 英國海德公園

london tower bridge, england 倫敦塔

westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂

monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡羅

the mediterranean 地中海

niagara falls, new york state, usa 美國亞加拉大瀑布

bermuda 百慕大

honolulu, hawaii, usa 美國夏威夷火奴魯魯

panama canal 巴拿馬大運(yùn)河

yellowstone national park, usa 美國黃石國家公園

statue of liberty, new york city, usa 美國紐約自由女神像

times square, new york city, usa 美國紐約時(shí)代廣場(chǎng)

the white house, washington dc., usa 美國華盛頓白宮

world trade center, new york city, usa 美國紐約世界貿(mào)易中心

central park, new york city, usa 美國紐約中央公園

yosemite national park, usa 美國尤塞米提國家公園

grand canyon, arizona, usa 美國亞利桑那大峽谷

hollywood, california, usa 美國加利佛尼亞好萊塢

disneyland, california, usa 加利佛尼亞迪斯尼樂園

las vegas, nevada, usa 美國內(nèi)華達(dá)拉斯威加斯

miami, florida, usa 美國佛羅里達(dá)邁阿密

metropolitan museum of art, new york city, usa 紐約大都會(huì)藝術(shù)博物館

acapulco, mexico 墨西哥阿卡? ?爾

cuzco, mexico 墨西哥庫斯科


the himalayas 喜馬拉雅山

great wall, china 中國長城

forbidden city, beijing, china 北京故宮

mount fuji, japan 日本富士山

taj mahal, india 印度泰姬陵

angkor wat, cambodia 柬埔寨吳哥窟

bali, indonesia 印度尼西亞巴厘島

borobudur, indonesia 印度尼西亞波羅浮屠

sentosa, singapore 新加坡圣淘沙

crocodile farm, thailand 泰國北欖鱷魚湖

pattaya beach, thailand 泰國芭堤雅海灘

babylon, iraq 伊拉克比倫遺跡

mosque of st, sophia in istanbul (constantinople), turkey 土耳其索非亞教堂

suez canal, egypt 印度蘇伊士運(yùn)河

aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水壩

nairobi national park, kenya 肯尼亞內(nèi)羅畢國家公園

cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角

sahara desert 撒哈拉沙漠

pyramids, egypt 埃及金字塔

the nile, egypt 埃及尼羅河

great barrier reef 大堡礁

sydney opera house, australia 悉尼歌劇院

ayers rock 艾爾斯巨石

mount cook 庫克山


威尼斯: Venezia

圣馬可廣場(chǎng):Piazza San Marco


佛羅倫薩: Firenze

米蘭市: Milano

米蘭大教堂: Duomo di Milano

羅馬市: Roma

羅馬斗獸場(chǎng): Colosseo

意大利的民俗: Dogana italiana


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