

導(dǎo)讀:黃山旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英文(黃山是中國(guó)最著名的旅游景點(diǎn)之一英文) 介紹黃山松的英語作文。。 黃山的英文怎么說 用英語寫出15個(gè)中國(guó)有名的景點(diǎn) 英文介紹一條黃山旅游路線及景點(diǎn) 去黃山旅游的英語作文帶翻譯 黃山中文和英文介紹~?。。。。?!


Name shenzhou mountain crown

"Five yues return not to see mountain, mount huangshan return not to see yue", this is our country outstanding ancient geographers climbed mount huangshan xu xiake after a heartfelt once passion praise!

Located in the Yangtze river downstream wannan use.different huangshan, since the ancient times is the resort in China, is a set of rejects wins the famous "heaven nisi first mountain". It's come to the "three shenzhou", "four away" and extraordinary splendour scene, wonders DieXian lake waterfalls creek tam and peak sea scenic spot is together make up the majestic mountain scenery landscape, incomparable!

In "dreams" is the yellow sea, the scramble to rise in the mountains of countless artful stone is the important watch each scenic area of huangshan content. They or as real things, or true like animals and birds, shape lifelike, playful, in particular environment look under the echo, often is such a series of intriguing historical stories and sound and color natural picture. As in half payable at dragon pond, see the mountainside tiandu feng had a coincidence stone is just like a head to ChaoTianMen kan is the cock crow wings, this is the "golden", but when called tianmen mountain visitors leave half temple, arrived Pan slope steep dragon when looking eastward, looking back, that only call tianmen cock actually become the long fine beard hang chest, hands crutch, helped shoulder hand in hand, stepped mountaineering five five old man -- "god". On "heaven jade screen" covered with fine gauze, overlooking the lotus blooms peak, it is like a peacock, dragging the beautiful long tail, closely nestled in huge bud, in foil below, the peacock - the allure of the new lotus could, are fluttered about composed a picture, look BiXiao "peacock play here is called Ephraim figure" clap the viewer on us.

Huangshan mountain from the QiuQu stone often these ciassic HuangShanSong, many famous attractions is the peak and odd loose common combination into view, they complement each other, bring out the best in each other. Such as "fairy embroider", "pretext embroider" and "couples" of the "flower", "the magpies" put mei "plum", "fairy aficionado" of the "fairy", "lotus" CaiLianChuan for avatars and pine is the "stage" reach the peak. HuangShanSong stretch in the cliff and grotesque rocks in. Looking down from the peak, they are like mosses and lichens, one integrated mass covered with overlapping to rock. From the hillsides, they look like fairy, slim and graceful smiling in mountaintop waved. In accordance with the rock face is smooth inspect self-producing and renditions of 1000 appearance.

And the cloud of huangshan is "four" in huangshan rejects the most magnificent magic, the dynamic beauty with mystery. Nearly look, like a layer of fog, put those qifeng wonders in the air, cover winds blow, the fog flies away, a wonderful scene and have a demonstrated in front; Far look, white clouds and like the butterfly, rightness white dance around the mountains,; Look, up slightly irresolute, like a ten budao edge of the ocean, the burgeoning submerged, only opened to reveal a mountain ShanJian, asing if is the sea island in clouds floating changing scenery. This as guo moruo said: "ever-changing absolutely changed, revealing, or thick or thin than dreams only blurred."

Such clouds around this mountain, such delete foil such cloud, plus air colourful rosy clouds, the top lush, the mountain pines, the maple's woods hongye as fire below the YouYan spring, let you feel like into the continuous scroll. This is: the sunshine censer living purple smoke, remote mountain, odd surge watching clouds cloud mountain, world vision wrapped tree to huangshan mountain scenery









黃山的英文:Mount Huang

Mount 讀法? 英?[ma?nt]??美?[ma?nt]

1、vt. 增加;爬上;使騎上馬

2、vi. 爬;上升

3、n. 山峰;底座;乘騎用馬


1、engine mount?引擎腳;發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)架

2、sermon on the mount?登山寶訓(xùn)(指圣經(jīng)馬太福音中耶穌在山上所說的話)

3、mount olympus?奧林匹斯山,奧林帕斯山(塞浦路斯的最高峰)

4、mount rushmore?拉什莫爾山(位于美國(guó)南達(dá)科他州)

5、lens mount?透鏡支架;物鏡,支座




2、mount用作及物動(dòng)詞時(shí),接名詞或代詞作賓語,可用于被動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu)。作不及物動(dòng)詞時(shí),與介詞over, on, into, to或副詞up連用。


hill, volcano, mountain,mount, peak這組詞都有“山”的意思,其區(qū)別是:




mount?常用于地名之前, 即一般放在專用名詞前,書面用詞。



1.The Great Wall 長(zhǎng)城



2.Temple of Heaven 天壇


3.The Fibidden City 故宮



4.The Summer Palace 頤和園



5.Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓


6.Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓


7.The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圓明園


8.Dianchi Lake 滇池


9.Du Fu Cottage 杜甫草堂


10.Dujiang Dam 都江堰


11.Luoyang longmen grottoes 洛陽龍門石窟



12.Songshan shaolin temple 嵩山少林寺

嵩山少林寺是中國(guó)佛教禪宗祖庭和中國(guó)功夫的發(fā)源地,現(xiàn)為世界文化遺產(chǎn)、全國(guó)重點(diǎn)文物保護(hù)單位、國(guó)家AAAAA級(jí)旅游景區(qū),位于河南省鄭州登封? ??嵩山五乳峰下,因坐落于嵩山腹地少室山茂密叢林之中,故名“少林寺”。

13.The Mogao Grottes 莫高窟


14.The Huangshan Moutain 黃山



15.Suzhou botanical garden蘇州園林





1.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 長(zhǎng)江三峽



2.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭



3.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山莊



4.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 兵馬俑


5.Mount Tai 泰山




Huangshan District is located inland of South Anhui with Mt. Huangshan in the south, Taiping Lake in the north and Mt. Jiuhua to the west. It covers an area of 1775 square kilometers with a population of 163,000. Its history can be traced back to as early as 1250 years ago. Its unique location, long-standing history, peerless ecological environment and abundant tourism resources add to its mystic appeal.


黃山是一個(gè)著名的旅游景點(diǎn),黃山有哪些旅游景點(diǎn)呢?。那么關(guān)于去黃山旅游的 英語 作文 怎么寫呢?下面是我推薦給大家的去黃山旅游的英語作文,供大家參考。


Last week Amy and her family went to huangshan.

Huangshan is located south anhui is China's famous tourist resort.

A large number of tourists every year to tourism industry.

Amy and her family went there by car and took nearly three hours. They climbing and saw the sea of clouds ,wondrous pines, unique rocks and beautiful sunrise .

See the beauty Amy was very excited. they had a good time in huangshan.







I had a very pleasant trip climbing the Huangshan Mountain last month.

There were 20 of us. We took the bus and start climbing at about 10AM.

It was a long way up to the summit of the hill and the road was muddy because it rained the day before.

We were talking and laughing all along the road people sharing their food and drink taking pictures.We spent 4hours up and down.

Before we left we went to the 'peasant's restaurant' and enjoyed a wonderful 'peasant meal'. It was really a pleasant trip.






Last Saturday. I and my father mother grandparents brother went to huangshan.

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains wild flowers bloom.

We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain I feel a little tired,it began to rainMy West Lake silk umbrella missed.

Dad said to me“Jill, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top the top of the scenery so beautiful.

We were flying kites I was thirsty my mother bought me a bottle of water.

Finally we went home.finally,Since then I've kept the umbrella.I was very happy.




爸爸對(duì)我說”吉爾什么都不做?!白詈笏晕覉?jiān)持爬到山頂風(fēng)景很漂亮。我們?cè)诜?a href='/techan/15186' target=_blank>風(fēng)箏我渴了我媽媽給我買了一瓶水。




黃山是中國(guó)著名風(fēng)景區(qū)之一,世界游覽勝地,黃山風(fēng)景區(qū)(Huangshan Mountain)位于安徽省南部黃山市。主峰蓮花峰,海拔1864m。黃山處于亞熱帶季風(fēng)氣候區(qū)內(nèi),由于山高谷深,氣候呈垂直變化。同時(shí)由于北坡和南坡受陽光的輻射差大,局部地形對(duì)其氣候起主導(dǎo)作用,形成云霧多、濕度大、降水多的氣候特點(diǎn)。黃山集名山之長(zhǎng):泰山之雄偉,華山之險(xiǎn)峻,衡山之煙云,廬山之飛瀑,雁蕩山之巧石,峨眉山之清涼。明代旅行家、地理學(xué)家, 徐霞客兩游黃山,贊嘆說:“登黃山天下無山,觀止矣!”又留“五岳歸來不看山,黃山歸來不看岳”的美譽(yù)。更有“天下第一奇山”之稱??梢哉f無峰不石,無石 不松,無松不奇,并以 奇松、怪石、云海、溫泉 黃山四絕著稱于世。其二湖,三瀑,十六泉,二十四溪相映爭(zhēng)輝。春、夏、秋、冬四季景色各異。黃山還兼有“天然動(dòng)物園和天下植物園”的美稱,有植物近1500種,動(dòng)物500多種。黃山氣候宜人,是得天獨(dú)厚的避暑勝地,是國(guó)家級(jí)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)和療養(yǎng)避暑勝地。1985年入選全國(guó)十大風(fēng)景名勝,1990年12月被聯(lián)合國(guó)教科文組織列入《世界文化與自然遺產(chǎn)名錄》,是中國(guó)第一個(gè)同時(shí)作為文化、自然雙重遺產(chǎn)列入名錄的。2004年2月入選世界地質(zhì)公園。蜚聲中外,令世人難忘。古今有很多黃山詩詞流傳于世。 2007年5月8日,黃山市黃山風(fēng)景區(qū)經(jīng)國(guó)家旅游局正式批準(zhǔn)為國(guó)家5A級(jí)旅游景區(qū)。



Huangshan is one of China's famous scenic resort, the Huangshan Mountain, Huangshan scenic areas (south) is located in Huangshan city, anhui province. Lotus feng, altitude 1864m peaks. Huangshan in subtropical monsoon climate, due to the high mountain area, the climate is perpendicular to the deep valley. While north and south slope due to the difference of the radiation from the sun, local terrain on the climate plays a leading role, forming, humidity, even the climate characteristic of precipitation. Huangshan mountains set the length of the majestic mountain tai: th e steep mountain, the cloud of lushan waterfall, yandang mountain, the mountain, the cool and refreshing opportunely. Traveler, geography, Ming dynasty, two swim huangshan xu said: "mount huangshan mountain, a world without GuanZhi yi!" And stay "five yues return from mount huangshan, return not to see yue" reputation. "A rugged mountains," said. Say no, no no stone peak, not loose stone, and not to loose and hot springs in huangshan four away. Secondly, the three layers, 16 lake, the ZhengHui 24 set. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons variety of scenery. Huangshan also has "the zoo and natural botanical garden" the laudatory name, have a plant nearly 1500, 500 animals. Huangshan pleasant climate, is advantageous summer resort, is a state-level scenic spot and summer resort. In 1985, the scenic spots, 10 December 1990 by UNESCO world cultural and natural heritage listas, is China's first as culture, natural dual heritage of the listed. In February 2004 world geological park. The Chinese, and memorable. There are many ancient poetry in huangshan circulating. May 8, 2007, huangshan city by national tourism administration of huangshan formally approved for national aaaaa tourist area.

Huangshan mountain, is a kind of beauty of the language used to describe the beauty of artistic conception, let a person produce too much lenovo's humanistic beauty. Whether the sun appeared under the virile beauty, or TieGu eventful clouds concealed under the enchanting beauty, or in March ma blooming flowers in the romantic beauty, fully even in the winter with snow everywhere in the beauty of holiness wrapped in silver makeup.

Across the people say: "the theme of" huangshan is in the clouds. This is the best scenery in huangshan peak area, and is for the best is mist. When the people in the mountain, see the beck clouds is limited in the cloud, and like the sea shore, wave on peak chung, every-where and shreds. Huangshan, especially JiJue clouds. The mist and layer, wind, drift cumulus clouds billow, sometimes fall, sometimes, and stretch, constitute a peculiar protean clouds fill. Whenever the cloud, the surge of huangshan scenic area is divided into the clouds. Fog shrouded by the peak suddenly revealed, folds, faint of mountains, the perfect expression in here. As a cloud floating in the middle layer mountains, scenery, transient drag。


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